"I'm worried about our daughter"

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Gemini continued to isolate herself, she was always in her room or watching Bella's memories. She only was with her family at the dinner table. And her style was different too, always wears dark clothes, mostly black or dark blue or sometimes a ripped jeans.

Narcissa was more worried than ever. All that Gemini was doing she had seen it before... with Bellatrix after Andromeda got disowned. She didn't knew what to do and hated that Lucius never saw how Mini had changed, he rarely was at home but at least he could notice his daughter was different!

Narcissa was right, all Gemini is doing Bellatrix did it too. After Andromeda's disowned, Bellatrix started to isolate herself and watched her childhood memories to remember Andie. And she also changed the style, the black Bellatrix you see started after Andromeda got disowned too, and the ripped jeans? Bellatrix still uses them...in secret.

-Lu- Narcissa said while Lucius got dressed to work.

-Yes, honey?- Lucius looked at Cissa.

-I'm worried about our daughter...- Narcissa looked down.

-You mean Gemini?- Lucius asks.

-No, Lyra!

-Who's Lyra?- Lucius looks at Cissy.

-Our daughter

-Wait, we have another daughter?!- Lucius opens his mouth with shock.


-But you said...- Lucius got lost in his wife's words.

-I was being sarcastic, you really are that idiot!- Narcissa's final words before she lost her mind.

-Oh... So you meant Gemini?- Lucius thinks.

-Finnaly your brain seems to be working!- Narcissa looks at her husband- Well, yes, I'm worried about Mini.

-Why?- Lucius looks at his wife's blue ocean eyes.

-Haven't you notice?

-Notice what?

-She's isolating herself Lucius!- Narcissa exclaims.

-And is that a bad thing? She just wants to be alone.- Lucius says tieng is tie.

-No! It's more than that! I saw all she's doing before, Bella did that too right before the time she went insane!- Narcissa explains.

-But you always say Bella went insane because of lack of love... Mini didn't lost anyone like Bella lost Andromeda!- Lucius says.

-Yes but she seems to be missing Bella more than ever. I always noticed she misses her but now she just needs to really need her, I think she needs to be like someone, to have someone to idolatrize.- Narcissa looked to Lucius' eyes.

-Why do you say that?

-Christmas... The "I'm a lonely star in a whole constelation"... and I'm pretty sure I heard her singing to Bella the other day...

-What do you want to do then?- Lucius asks dressing his pants.

-We should take her to a psychiatrist... I think there's one in St. Mungus... I think Dr. Grey mentioned it once...- Narcissa says as tears start to role down her face.

-Cissy, darling what's wrong?- Lucius wraps her into a hug.

-I don't want to loose my daughter like I lost my sister...- Narcissa cries.

-You won't loose her, I promise- He strokes her hair.

Narcissa looks at him as Lucius kisses her forehead.

-I love you so much, so so much Cissy!- Lucius looks at her.

-I love you much more Lu- Narcissa gives a sad smile as Lucius kisses her.

-We'll take Gemini to a psychiatrist tomorrow, I'll take a day off

-Really?- Narcissa looks at his eyes.

-If you say it's the best, I trust you- He kisses her forehead.


Hi cutie pies!! I'm back!! Someone asked for Lucissa so here you go! Hope you like it. Love you babies <3

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