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The Malfoy family watched as Narcissa, layed in a gurny with no life, was taken to inside the room. Nurses closed the curtains as Lucius fell to the ground crying and screaming.

Meanwhile, a ghost Narcissa watched everything that was happening to her body. The ghost's heart squeezed watching her family suffering so much. But, the feeling of being a ghost wasn't weird. She had gone through that all 4 years before...

**FLASHBACK: 4 years before, some days after Bellatrix was sent to Azkaban**

It was a quiet night in the Malfoy's Mannor. Draco, was just an 1 year old baby, he slept peacefully in his crib. A pregnant Narcissa Malfoy came downstairs after rocking Draco to sleep, as Lucius wasn't home, the house was pretty quiet and all for Cissa. As the woman walks to the kitchen she  rubbed her belly trying to feel the baby, even though it was pratically impossible without an ultra-sound machine because it was just the beggining of the pregnancy. She gets to the kitchen, and turns on the lights and goes to one of the drawers.

-Do you need help Miss Cissy?- Dobby asks showing up.

Suddenly, Narcissa frozed, like she had came back to her childhood. Where she, Bellatrix and Andromeda would play around their uncle's kitchen and Kreacher comes from nowhere and asked "Do you need help Miss Cissy? Miss Andie? Miss Bella?".

-Miss Cissy?- Dobby calls her.

-Yeah... yeah!- she comes back to the reality, hurting from the déjà vu.

-Do you need help?- the house elf looks at her.

-No, no! I'm completly fine!- she exclaims.

-Okay then... If you need anything just call me- he smiles and then disapeared the same way he had came in.

Narcissa sighed and then opens the drawer, tons of knifes sparkling inside waiting for someone to hold them and cut. She looked at the knifes as she remembered the first time she ever held a knife (nope, it wasn't for a cooking purpose), she was only 10. You think that's sad? Bellatrix's first time was when she was only 6. The woman chooses a big silver knife with a black handle. She looks at the knife and gently she slides her delicated pale fingers through the blade.

-I'm sorry baby, but I cannot do this anymore, I tried, I really tried...- she whispers rubbing her belly in the zone of her womb.- I don't know how to live in a world without Bella, I don't want to. I always had her, how am I supposed to survive in a world where she's not with me?! She was supposed to be with me, with us. She was going to be your Auntie, she would be with me during my pregnancy, she would be in the labor room in the moment you were born. I had plans, so many plans. I know I have your dad, but it's not the same. I do not want to leave Draco or Lucius but it's impossible to be okay without Bella. Draco deserves a mother who's alright, but I am not fine without Bella, she's a piece of me and now...she's not here. I'm so sorry little thing, you deserved better...Bella deserved better...I deserved better... But I'm broken, and no one can save me. There is no cure, Bella was my medicine.

She starts to cut her wrist, deeply, as the blood runs out of her veins. Blood dripping off her writs, spalshing the floor. As she pulls up the sleeves, scars can be seen on her arms. Some made by her abusive father, other's by a knife.

As the blood drips she starts to say, hoping Bella was listenning:

-Loving and fighting, accusing, denying... I can't imagine a world with you gone. The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of. I'd be so lost if you left me alone... You had to go find the Dark Lord, now you ended up in Azkaban. I went to your trial... Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me!". Hold on, I still want you! Come back, I still need you! Let me take your hand, I'll make it right. I swear to love you all my life! Hold on, I still need you! Your sitting in the chair, being condemned to Azkaban, driving a nightmare I can't escape from. Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading, hiding the shock and the chill in my bones. They took you away, tied up. You scream and fight but they take you away no mather what... Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me!"... Hold on, I still want you... Come back, I still need you... Let me take your hand, I'll make it right, I swear to love you all my life... Hold on, I still need you. I don't wanna let go, I know I'm not that strong. I just wanna hear you saying "Cissy, let's go home!". I just wanna take you home... Hold on, I still want you... Come back, I still need you...

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