"My mother..."

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Some minutes after Dr. Turner left, in the Malfoy's room...

- Cissy?- Lucius calls.

- Yes, honey?- she looks at him.

- There's something about my mother that I never told you...- he looks down, to the floor.

- You can tell me if you want, but if it's a medical issue you should tell me now- she searches for his hand and holds it.

- My mother had Schisofrenia... She killed herself, drowning herself in the bathtub, claiming she had nargles inside her head, claiming to hear their sounds. She once threw herself of the balcony, for the same reason, as well... My father was too proud to admit she needed to be locked away in some mental hospital- tells Malfoy.

Narcissa looks at him, sadly. She knew how her husband cared about his mother. He, as a teenager, used to tell her things about his mother, how caring she was. Cissa only knew about her issues after that day.

"A 16 year old Narcissa was wondering through the Hogwarts halls, looking for her boyfriend, Lucius, who had just got a letter from his father and just stormed off the common room. Until she found him, his head in his knees, crying.

- Lu?- she kneels down, in front of him.

- Leave me alone!- he groans.

- I know something is wrong. I'm your girlfriend, you can trust me, you know it! Tell me what's going on, please, I love you!- she strokes his long blonde hair.

- You love me?- he looks up for a second, with an almost invisible smile.

- Of course I do, you're my idiot!- she says that words for the first time, that would become the mantra of their relationship.

 Never they had ever said 'I love you', it was just a new unexplored world for them.

- I love you, Cissy, I'm your idiot...- he gives her a look full of love.

- Now, tell me what's going on, I'm worried!- Narcissa pets his cheek.

- My mother... she... she...- he cries.

- Lu, you're scaring me! What did she do?- asked Cissa, concerned.

- She killed herself...- Lucius sobs.

- Oh, Lu... I'm really sorry, I know how much she means to you, even though I never met her, which I regret, I know she loved you! She might be gone, but there's a place where she will always be- she hugs him tightly for a few seconds, then letting go, knowing that her boyfriend wasn't really a hugger, at that time.

- Where?-he looks at her.

- In here- she touches his heart area, with a smile."

-Lu, I know you don't like telling people about your problems but Dr. Turner needs to know it. She needs to know the history of her family. And in this case, as she is a psychiatrist, she need to know everything about her relatives' mental issues. Do you understand?- she says.

- For the best of our daughter, right?- he looks at her.

- Always! I wouldn't tell her if it wasn't- Narcissa held his hand.

Some minutes later, Nymphadora stormed in with happy little jumps.

- Hey, Auntie Cissy!- she sits on the hospital bed.

- Hi, Dora!- she smiles, sweetly.

- We brought you a tea. And a coffee for you, Barbie- Dora hands the cup to her aunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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