"Happy birthday little hero"

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5th July, 1982, Draco's birthday

It's Draco Malfoy birthday and he woke up earlier than his parents. He walked into their room siently. Baby Gemini slept beetwen Narcissa and Lucius. Draco tried to woke up Lucius.

"Dad,dad,dad" little Draco called but no one answered. He called some more times but nothing happened. He walked out the room, sad, and ran to his room with tears in his eyes.

Some minutes later he heard Gemini's crying, but it was not her normal cry. He thought that strange and walked to his parents.

"Lucius, wake up" Narcissa said "Gemini is not okay"

"What?" Lucius asked, tired and oppenning his eyes.

"It's something wrong with our baby" Narcissa asked worriedly, holding Gemini close.

"Mom, Dad?" Draco entered the room.

"Draco, my prince" Narcissa gave a sad smile "Happy birthday"

"Is Mini okay?" Draco asked climbing to their bed and sting next to Narcissa who wrapped a arm around him.

"No, she isn't" Lucius said sadly, getting dressed.

"My little boy, I know you don't want to spent your birthday like this but we need to go to St. Mungus" Narcissa said to him.

"I want her to be okay" Draco pointed to his little baby sister.

"I know" Narcissa smiled.

"Come" Lucius said. Narcissa stood up, holding Gemini and Draco. They Disappareated into St. Mungus. In the reception they walked into the line when Gemini start shacking.

"Why is she shacking?" Narcissa asked worried.

"I don't know" Lucius said.

"We need doctor now, she stopped crying, and I know this isn't a good sign" Narcissa said almost crying.

"Doctor, doctor" Lucius called, but then Draco jumped off Narcissa's lap and ran into the crowd.

"Draco!" Narcissa yelled and Lucius looked at her.

"What happned?" Lucius asked seeing that Draco wasn't there.

"Your son just ran into the crowd and now he's lost!" Narcissa yelled.

They looked for him everywhere.

"Draco" Lucius and Narcissa yelled.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy" a familiar voice yelled and then a brown haired girl ran to them, holding Draco.

"Dr. Grey" Narcissa said recognizing the hearler.

"Draco ran into my office saying that you needed help" Lexie said giving Draco to his mother.

"Gemini woke up crying, but it was not her normal cry. We Disappareated faster we can and then she started shacking and stopped crying" Narcissa said bursting into tears and placng her son into the ground.

"Let me take her" Lexie said and ran with baby Gemini in her arms. Narcissa fell into the floor crying but Lucius caught her and sat on the groun, his wife in his lap and their little son hugging them. They stayed like that for 10 minutes and then walked to the waitting room.

1 hour passed and nothing happened, so they went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. Narcissa spent all day crying and Draco and Lucius hugged her. Lucius cried silently, Draco was the only one who not cryed.

When it was about 5 p.m. they saw Lexie Grey ran to them.

"Is she okay?!" Narcissa cried.

"Yes, she is going to be okay, she will need much care for the rest of her life. But let me say, this little boy is a hero, without him she would be dead" Leixe smiled.

"My boy, my prince!" Narcissa exclaimed hugging him "We're going to call Grandpa Abraxas and Grandpa Cygnus to meet Gemini and celebrate your birthday"

"It's his birthday?" Lexie asked.

"Yes" Draco smiled.

"Happy birthday little hero" Leixe smiled and Draco ran to hug her.

"We should be going if we want to get ready" Lucius said. "Thank you for saving my princess, Dr. Grey"

"No problem, please come at least at age 4" Lexie said "Bye"

"Bye-bye Lexie" Draco smiled.

"Thank you so much, goodbye Dr. Grey" Narcissa smiled and they Disappareated into Malfoys Mannor.

"Draco, bath time, my prince" Narcissa said.

"Okay" Draco said.

"Dobby" Nacissa called and a house elve appear in front of her.

"Mistress Narcissa" Dobby bowed.

"Help my son with his bath" Narcissa ordered and Dobby took Draco hand and Disappareated into then bathroom.

"My love" Lucius said "Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yes, why do you as?" Narcissa looked at him.

"You don't like your father, it's not normal inviting him" Lucius said.

"He didn't gave me the best childhood..." she started.

"He didn't gave you any love, to you or Bella" Lucius interrupted.

"He still have the right of meeting his grandaughter, just one time" Narcissa said.

"Are you sure?" Lucius asked worried "You don't like to be with him"

"I have you, Draco and our little Gemini and with your Dad he can't hurt me or anyone" Narcissa replied.

"Okay, but I will be watching him" Lucius kissed her "I'm going t invite them"

"I will bath this little baby princess" Narcissa smiled at Gemini, who smiled back and stretched out her baby arms.


Poor Gemini...

Draco is our hero <3<3<3

See you next chapter!

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