A new Malfoy?

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August, 1982, Malfoys Mannor

Narcissa Black Malfoy came down stairs to have breakfast with her family. A big smile crossed her face. In the kitchen her husband, Lucius, and her 2 years old son, Draco, were having breakfast. Little baby Draco made a big smile seeing his mother enter the kitchen.

"Mommy" he said in his little baby and cute voice, extending his little arms to his mother.

"Hey my little cutie" she said picking up her son and then looked at her husband "Hey my love"

"Hi my dear Cissy" he said kissing his wife cheek "I didn't see you smiled since before your sister got arrested, what is the matter?"

"I have excellent news!" she exclaimed sitting her son in his baby chair.

"What is it?" Lucius asked.

"I'm pregnant!" she screamed. Lucius was confused and Draco didn't understand nothing what was going on.

"That's good, I think..." Lucius said confused.

"Of course, it is!" she exclaimed, Lucius knowing she was very happy kissed her and made her spin in the air. Draco laughed.

"I think it's better tell Draco" Lucius said "He is to young to understand the meaning of 'pregnant'"

"We'll wait, he's to young, let him grow up a little bit more" Narcissa said picking up her little son.

March, 1982, Malfoys Mannor

Narcissa sit at the black couch, her belly had start to grow. She saw Draco comming downstairs, next to her.

"Be carefull with the stairs Sweetheart" Narcissa warned. Draco carefully get downstiars and walked to his mother.

"Mommy why are you getting fat?" Draco looked at Narcissa's belly. She laughed with the question.

"She is not getting fat Draco" Lucius said comming downstair and sitting next to his wife and rubbed her stomach "It's the baby growing"

"Baby?" the little asked confused.

"You are going to have a brother/sister" Narcissa smiled and picked up baby Draco.

"Talking about babies, you have a consult now" Lucius said and got up helping his wife "We must be going"

Narcissa carried Draco outside where a black limusine waited for them. They entered and 20 minutes past before arriving St. Mungus. Lucius helped his wife. Narcissa with Draco in her arms was slower than before so Lucius picked him.

"Good morning, how can I help?" the nurse asked.

"My wife has a consult now" Lucius answered "Her name is Narcissa Malfoy"

"Gabinet 2" the nurse said checking "Have a good day"

Lucius hold Narcissa's hand and walked into the gabinet. Narcissa took Draco into her arms and sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk, Lucius sat in the other.

"Narcissa Malfoy?" the healer asked, she was a girl with brown straight hair.

"Yes" Narcissa replied.

"Good morning Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy, my name is Lexie Grey and I'll be your healer" Lexie said and smiled looking at Draco "Who is this little cutie?"

"My 2 years old, Draco" Narcissa smiled.

"Can I hold him, I love children" Dr. Grey asked and Narcissa nodded and Lexie tooked Draco.

"Hey Draco, I'll be your brother/sister healer" Lexie smiled at the little baby "You're so cute"

"The consult now please" Lucius said 

"Of course, Mrs. Malfoy please sit in the hammock" Dr. Grey said giving Draco to Lucius.

Narcissa did what the doctor said, Lucius watched his wife making sure nothing happens to her.

"Let me check the baby" Lexie said and waved her wand in front of Narcissa's stomach.

"How is it?" Narcissa asked worried.

"Everything okay" Lexie reassured her "Now let see the gender"

Lexie waved her wand again and white sparkles came out of it.

"What does it means?" Lucius asked.

"It's a girl!" Lexie exclaimed. Lucius sat Draco on the chair and runned to Narcissa who hugged him.

"Do you mind if I hold little Draco a little more? He's really cute!" Dr. Grey said and Narcissa nodded. The doctor picked Draco who smiled at her.

"You are going to have a little sister" she said to the 2 years old baby who laughed.

"Sis" he said, everybody in the room smiled. Lexie give him to Narcissa.

"I hope everything goes well, we'll see again when the baby comes" Dr. Grey said and smiled at the family "Enjoy the rest of the day, please take it easy Mrs. Malfoy and Mr. Malfoy please help your wife. Bye-bye Draco"

"Have a good day Dr. Grey" Lucius said.

"Draco say 'bye' to Dr. Grey" Narcissa smiled at her son.

"Bye Lexie" Draco smiled at the young doctor.

"Draco! It's Dr. Grey not Lexie" Narcissa scolded.

"It's okay" Lexie Grey smiled "He's just a baby boy"

The Malfoys left the gabinet and go away to their home.


Lexie Grey is from my favourite TV shows "Grey's Anatomy" I know she died but I love her!!! Don't juge me! It's a very good serie I recommend to watch.

I hope you enjoy it!

This is Dr. Lexie Grey

 Lexie Grey

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