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Narcissa Malfoy had fall asleep in her hospital bed, her little baby sleeped in the crib next to her.

"Narcissa" Lucius tried to wake up his wife "Cissy, dear"

Narcissa opened her eyes slowly. Lucius sat on her bed and Lexie Grey held Draco.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy" Dr. Grey smiled and Draco smiled too.

"Hello" Narcissa said.

"Sorry for wake you up but I have good news. Gemini is a strong baby and she have been here for a week and I think it's time for her to go home!" Lexie smiled even more.Lucius kissed Narcissa's head who had a big smile across her face.

"Thank you" Narcissa said.

"I will leave you alone, remember be careful with Gemini and I want to see her before she went to Hogwarts, at least, but it would be healthy for her to see me at age 3 or 4" Lexie informed and smiled at Draco "I will miss this cuteness. Behave well Draco, be nice to your sister."

"We will come when she's 3 or 4 if you say it's the best and we can bring Draco with her"Narcissa smiled and Lexie gave little Draco to her. 

"Bye-bye Lexie" Draco said and Leixe smiled.

"Bye Draco" she said and Draco smiled. Dr. Lexie Grey left the room.

Narcissa dressed a black dress and dressed Gemini with a dark green dress. Lucius helped Narcissa stand up and she picked Gemini, Draco hold Lucius hand and they Disappareated away.

They arrived at Malfoys Mannor and Lucius smiled seeing his white peacokes.

"I've missed you my beautifull animals" he said as Narcissa and Draco laughed. They entered the house and walked into Gemini's room.

The room had a royal black crib with a green crown on the top. The walls were purple and a small closet with "Gemini Malfoy" written with diamonds. There was a huge box with toys.

"This room is beautifull" Narcissa said to Lucius and kissed him.

"Mini" Draco smiled at his little sister.

"Her name is Gemini" Lucius said.

"He's 2 years old, let him say Mini, every person needs a fun and cute name" Narcissa laughed and Lucius laughed too. She put the baby in the crib.

"She looks like a princess" Narcissa smiled.

"She's a princess and you are a queen" Lucius kissed his wife.

"That means I'm a prince" Draco said proudly, Lucius and Narcissa laughed.

"He's got a point" Narcissa laughed and looked at her little son "You are so inteligente my little boy"

Draco tried to hug Narcissa but he was to tiny so all he could do was hug her legs. Narcissa picked him so he could hug her. She looked at her sleeping daughter and Draco stroked his baby sister's hair. Everyone smiled.

"I love you Mini" he smiled.

"I love you my little girl" Lucius smiled.

"My brave and strong girl. After everything you've been through you're still here. I love you always my little cute baby" Narcissa looked passionately to her daughter with a big smile in her lips. For the first time Gemini opened her eyes with a cute smile in her face. Narcissa smiled and layed her head into Lucius shoulder.


Hey, I'm back! I hope you like this cute chapter...

See you next chapter

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