Fight for life

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Narcissa cried into her husband shoulders when the 3 amazing doctors take her child. Draco was about to cry and Lucius try to be strong, to not show his emotions. Narcissa took Draco in her arms while Lucius hugged her tightly.

Lexie Grey, Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins took the newbon Gemini Malfoy to another room. Gemini have dak brown hair and her eyes were still closed. The baby waved her arms trying to find her mother. She was layed in a baby hammock while the 3 doctors observed her.

"I'll go imform the family" the youngest doctor, Lexie Grey, said. She left the room and ran into Narcissa's. When she oppened the door she saw a family crying in eachother's arms and her eyes started filling with tears. Lexie Grey had created an affection for that family and she knew Healers can't do that. She needed to save the newborn baby, she couldn't let her die.

"Dr. Grey" Narcissa looked at Lexie.

"I have news about Gemini" Grey said trying to not start crying.

"How is she?" Lucius asked.

"She hasn't oppened her eyes yet but she's looking for you, Mrs. Malfoy" the Healer said looking at Narcissa who started crying.

"Is my sister going to be okay?" little Draco Malfoy said looking at the young Healer with his cute baby eyes filled wth tears.

"Gemini have several problems. We need to do a surgery. We have the best doctors taking care of her, she's a strong baby girl fighting for her life. She have so much problems but still try to find her mother." Lexie informed.

"Can we have updates about her during the surgery?" Narcissa asked, her face wet with tears.

"Of course" Dr. Grey said.

Lexie Grey left the room and ran into the surgery room. Robbins and Torres  had started the surgery. A little baby girl was layed in the hammock being operated to her head.

"Who hurted her, hurt well. This poor little girl is going to be with headaches for the rest of her life" Arizona said.

"She is a very strong baby, fighting for her life so hard" Callie admired. Hours had passed when they closed the little baby.

"She can be with her family now" Arizona said "I hope everything goes well"

"You are a very strong girl Gemini Malfoy, well done. Your mother, father and brother are waiting for you don't you dare to die" Lexie looked at the little baby, still under the effect of anesthesia.

The 3 doctors left the room and went to Narcissa's who looked at they in the same second they oppened the door.

"She's okay" Lexie said "You can be with her, Arizona bring the baby"

Narcissa looked and saw her little slepping baby in a crib who was placed next to her bed. Draco touched his little sister for the first time and smiled.

Hours had passed when the baby's cardiac monitor start to beep. Narcissa had fall a sleep and waked up with the noise. Draco and Lucius went to the cafeteria, she was alone with her baby's life in risk. The pale blonde woman screamed the louder she could and a nurse heard her. 

"Page Grey, Robbins and Torres" the nurse yelled looking at the monitor. Lexie Grey, Arizona Robbins and Callie Torres ran into the room.

"She's not breathing" Lexie said.

"No heart beat" Arizona screamed.

"Bring the resuscitation cart" Torres ordered. All 3 doctors where around the baby and Narcissa was desesperated: her daughter was dying in front of her!

"Step back" Torres comanded ready to use the resuscitation paddles on the baby "1,2,3. Clear"

"Charge at 200" Robbins ordered.

"Step back" Torres repeated "1,2,3. Clear!"

"We have heart beat!" Lexie exclaimed "She's breathing"

Narcissa start to cry and in the exact same moment Lucius and Draco entered the room.

"What happened?" Lucius asked.

"We almost lost our daughter" Narcissa said. He hugged her and Draco climbed to her lap.

A few hours later

"She's a very strong girl" Lexie said giving the baby to Narcissa "She fought for her life more than any other baby I know. She will have headaches for the rest of her life but nothing more"

Lexie left the room leaving the family alone. Narcissa hold her baby looking at her with so much love. Draco hold her sister's hand and Lucius laying next to Narcissa stroking her daughter's hair.

Gemini Malfoy was now healthy with her family. Lexie, Arizona and Callie never forgot her and always talked about "The newborn baby who fought for her life more than any othyer person".


See you next chapter!

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