Lexie Grey: always ready to help

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Lucius Malfoy had Appareated to St. Mungus with his wife and son. 

"Mr. Malfoy?" a familiar voice said and Lucius saw Lexie Grey running to him.

"Dr. Grey help me please" Lucius cried, Lexie took Draco and looked at Narcissa.

"What happened?" Lexie said.

"She have been attacked!" Lucius exclaimed.

"She's unconcious!" Lexie exclaimed and then shouted "Page Dr. Torres and Dr. Robbins"

5 minutes later 2 doctors arrived. 

"What happened?" both asked to Lexie and then they saw Narcissa.

"Will you help?" Lexie asked.

"Of course" the doctors replied. They took Narcissa inside to a room leaving Lucius with baby Draco who had start to cry.

"Mommy is going to be okay?" Draco asked.

"I don't know" Lucius said and picked Draco. Then they saw the doctors Lexie had call running to him.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, my name is Callie Torres" a tall woman with black hair and brown eyes said.

"I am Arizona Robbins, her wife" a blond woman with blue eyes said.

"How is my wife?" Lucius asked worried.

"She is very hurt but we think we can save her and her daughter" Torres said. 

"What happened to Mommy?" Draco asked.

"Mr. Malfoy can I hold Draco for a bit and explain to him what is going on?" Arizona Robbins asked.

"She is a very talented pediathric surgeon" Callie explain.

"Okay, you can hold him" Lucius nodded. Arizona picked Draco.

"Hey dear what's your name?" Arizona asked sweetly.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy" he answered.

"Draco, what a cute name to a cute boy" Arizona smiled at him.

"Is Mommy going to be okay?" Draco asked worried and Arizona made a sad smile.

"We are trying to fix Mommy. She is hurt" Arizona said softly.

"What about my sis?" Draco looked at her with a sad baby cute eyes.

"We will try to help her too" Robbins made a smile.

"She's the best with children" Callie told Lucius.

"Can I know about my wife?" Lucius asked

"Mrs. Malfoy is stable and may wake up soon" Callie explain "We needed to do a surgery but she's okay, what we are worried about is the baby. We need to make him born when she wakes up."

"She's awake" Lexie's voice shouted.

"Come, you must see your wife" Torres said "Arizona take Draco"

Lucius walked into the room followed by Dr. Torres, Dr. Robbins and Draco.

"Lucius..." Narcissa smiled from her hospital bed and Lucius sat next to her. Draco climbed to her bed as well.

"You are going to be okay Mommy?" Daco asked.

"I am okay Sweeheart" Narcissa stroke his hair. All was doing well when Narcissa suddenly clinngled her stomach.

"Cissy?!" Lucius asked worried.

"Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy it's time to the baby born" the 3 doctors said.

"I'll take Draco" Lexie said.

Lexie and Draco left the room. Narcissa screamed and Lucius was scared.

30 minutes later the baby was born.

"It's beautifull" Arizona said and Narcissa hold her baby with Lucius at her side.

"What about Gemini?" Callie said, they had asked for help for names "Like her sign. Born at may 22, sign Gemini"

"Perfect" Narcissa said looking at her baby. The baby had brown waivy hair and brown eyes.

"She looks like your sister" Lucius said.

"She does" Narcissa smiled "Let's call her Gemini Bellatrix Malfoy, known as Gemini Malfoy."

"I'm afraid we need to take her" Arizona said and took Gemini "We'll make sure she is okay" 

The 3 doctors left the room. Narcissa was crying, Lucius worried and Draco without understanding nothing.


More Grey's Anatomy charachters...

In the photo are Callie Torres, Arizona Robbins and Lexie Grey...

What will happen to Gemini?

See you next chapter!

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