"She's my love, my life, my everything"

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Narcissa gave a bath to her little baby girl with all the carefull in the world. She was so afraid of do something wrong and kill the fragile poor girl. She hold her with carefull and went into her nursery. Openned the wardrobe and choose a dark green dress with a black ribow for her little girl. Narcissa choosed a dark blue dress, almost black, for herself. When both were ready Lucius knocked on the door of the room and walked, holding Draco's little hand.

"You're so beautifull my little hero" she looked at her little son with a dark green suit and then kissed her husband "You are beautifull too, my king"

"You are the prettiest" Lucius admired the beauty of his wife and then looked at his little daughter "Our princess look like a real princess"

"Something in missing on Mini" Draco said.

"What my dear?" Lucius asked. Draco walked to his little sister and in her hair put a black ribow with golden shiny.

"Now, she's ready" he smiled and Narcissa laughed with tears in her eyes: was Gemini going to survive after everything she went through or she was going to die and break their hearts?

They heard a knock on the front door and then Dobby apeared in front of them.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Black are here" he bowed. Narcissa took her tiny baby in her arms with all the care in the world and Draco hold Lucius hand.

"Go on, I'll do a great entrance with this little cutie" she smiled and Lucius and Draco left the room.  She heard them greeting the 2 old men and when she checked they were sat on the black crouch she began to get down the stairs. Her long dress dragging down the floor and her blonde hair waving. The baby was safe in her arms but she still get down stairs slowly making sure she didn't hurted her baby.She smiled when she got downstairs and sat next to her husband.

"Another baby!" Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius father, smiled "How is her name?"

"Gemini Bellatrix Malfoy" Narcissa answered.

"Why Bellatrix, like that psycothicg woman, who you call your sister?" Cygnus rolled his eyes, spoking for the first time.

"Because she remind us of her" Lucius answered trying to calm down.

"She can be psycopath and crazy but she is still my sister, your daughter. You cannot like the fact she's a Death Eater, but she followed the things she was taugh: blood purety! And it is bad nough you forced her to marry that Rodulphus Lestrange. If you think you were a great father you can change your mind because you never give us love, afftection, or anyhing else!" Narcissa confronted her father.

"I knew it was a mistake have children but your mother..." Cygnus said.

"It was not a mistake. I cannot seem close to Bella but she's still my family and I like her. She's a very strong woman as Narcissa is, and Narcissa is everything else but a mistake. She's my love, my life, my everything" Lucius yelled and Cygnus seemed a little scared, Abraxas smiled.

"I knew you weren't a great father Mr. Black, that's why I always visited my son and his wife. I've always give her a little of affection for her and Miss Bellatrix. If you don't want to be here you can leave" Abraxas said and Cygnus got up.

"Enjoy your evenning, Mr. Malfoy and your insuportable idiots" Cygnus left the house. Lucius kissed his wife forehead and stroke Gemini's hair.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy, I thought he could be different, but he's worst" Narcissa smiled at her father-in-law.

"I'm hungry" Draco said and all laughed, inclusived Gemini. Abraxas smiled with his little grandaughter.

Narcissa never spoked to her father again until he's death in 1992.


I made my search, that's why I know Abraxas and Cygnus were alive, Druella died in 1955, the year Narcissa was born.

Let's all hate Cygnus Black!

I hope you like this chapter, tomorrow i'll write how it was the dinner.

See you later in the next chapter...

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