Malabami Beach 😉

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It was late at night when the jet landed . Harry was still asleep therefore Liam decided to carry him to the car . Inside the car he placed harry on louis lap who agreed on not driving only if he had harry with him .

Even if it was night time the place looked beautiful in the city lights and shining star . Harry woke up when he heard zayn cursing at the drive who was trying to over take them . Niall had fallen asleep by the window beside harry and Liam was laughing quietly at the pissed zayn ,

"Are you driving straight to hell !? You Dick !!"

Seeing harry giggle louis noticed that he was awake now , patting his head softly louis whispered .

"Look out of the window love .."

Following his instruction harry looked outside only to be awestruck by the view .

"It's beautiful .."

"Yes it is ."

"Lou , I don't even have to turn to know that you are not talking about the view ." Harry said smirking a little .

"You caught me there love . But I am not lying though , you are seriously so beautiful ."

A car drive was peaceful with some country music playing in the radio . If you are wondering where the car came from then they had hired a car from the airport for a few days . Their vacation was not planned at all , they just wanted to have some free time alone . Let's see where this trip leads to . After all they could do so much in malabami sorry malibu .

When they reached the hotel it was so big and shining . Like seriously it was so expensive and magnificent . Alphas had booked a whole lounge{A/n I don't exactly know what it is called as my poor ass has never been to any such hotel} for themselves to have full fun without any interference . By the elivator they reached their floor and stood in front of the huge door . Harry couldn't wait to see the place they will be staying in .

"Niall give me the card key .."

"Huh..?" An half asleep niall replied looking up in confusion .

"The room key niall ... By which we can enter the room .."

Looking at the blank face of niall they understood this lad had lost it somewhere and so started the chaos between the four alphas ,

"How can you lose it you irsh Buffalo !!"

"Why did you gave the key to a half asleep guy in the first place !!"

"So it's my fault now !!"

"Can't we just go down and ask for a spare key .." harry said coming in between the fighting alphas . They looked at the lift with a pout on their faces . They have to go down thirty floors again and they we so sleepy and tired .

"Come guys it's not like you have to take stairs . You know what I'll bring it ."

"No wait harry , I have a better idea . Zayn give me your credit card ."

Zayn took out his card and gave it to Louis . Louis examined it for a few seconds before giving a satisfactory nod . Much to everyone's confusion louis slided the card into his own pocket before turning towards Liam saying ,

"Now Liam break the door ."

"Why do you need my card if you are planning on breaking it anyways !!!" Zayn yelled at louis .

"We will have to pay if we break the door Malik . Don't you know even that .."

Harry and Liam face palmed themselves while niall was laughing his heart out . Ignoring the two bickering alphas harry went towards the door taking the pin out of his hair .

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