Chapter Twenty - Seven

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"Let's start." John cleared his throat. "I assume you've got vows." Elaina looked up at Nikolai and they both shook their heads.

"Usually in courthouse weddings the officiant reads the vows but since this is a little special, I'll let you two just say what you want after." Nikolai nodded holding onto Elaina's hand tightly.

"Today we are present in this joyful occasion, the joining of two lovers." John gestured to Nikolai and Elaina who kept their eyes on each other. "Mr. Nikolai Valesco and Ms. Elaina Laracuena, with the witness of Mr. Ian Valesco." Ian smiled as he took pictures quietly on the side. "Do you Nikolai take Elaina as your lawfully wedded wife, to hold, to love in sickness and health, in poor and wealth, to cherish till the end?"

"I do." Nikolai said brushing the hair out of Elaina's eyes watching as her eyes watered with tears.

"Do you Elaina take Nikolai as your lawfully wedded husband, to hold, to love in sickness and health, in poor and wealth, to cherish till the end?"

"I do." Elaina whimpered swallowing the sob that threatened to escape her lips as she stared into her lovers dark eyes.

"Do you wish to exchange your vows?"

"Yes." Nikolai nodded looking down at his love with warm eyes. "My beauty, my treasure, I never thought there would come a day where I'd be able to live this happily. Every since you come into my life it's been nothing but bright lights and smiles. You've changed me into a better man, broke me out of my dark shell, showed me how warm the light is. When I think back to how I first met you, I was like a teenage boy again, pounding hard with no patience, I had to have you. You accepted me for who I was and made me into a better man, you really are my angel," He smiled wiping her tears away, "I love you with every part of me but you know this already. You are my savior, my angel, my beauty, my love. You are my everything and I hope you know that I have no intention of letting you go." He chuckled lightly, "I don't see a world without you in it, it's impossible, I cannot survive without you near me and I cannot think of you not being next to me, being in my arms. I love your everything, your blushing face, your smile, your eyes, the sound of your laughter, your awkward jokes, your morning songs, your clinginess, your innocence, your naivety, your bravery, and I love you even more with each passing day. Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for putting up with me, thanking you for loving me, thank you for always cooking me delicious food, thank you for always scolding me for swearing, thank you for carrying our child," His hand went to her stomach laying it there softly, he ignored the gasp from Ian never taking his eyes off his love, "Thank you for being you." By the end Elaina was sobbing gripping on to his shirt tightly.

"I-I..." she gasped taking a deep breathe, "I love you." Burying her face in his chest he rubbed her back softly.

"Elaina do you wish to say something?" John asked the sobbing female softly. She pulled herself away from Nikolai wiping her face.

"Yes, please." John smiled softly at her polite tone.

Elaina looked at her love, her eyes taking him in, how handsome he was. She fell in love with him even more if that was possible. Clasping her hands in front of her nervously she met his dark eyes that held raw love for her.

"I...I love you, Nikolai." She softly stated, "I'm not good with audiences so I will keep it short," She confessed shortly making Nikolai chuckle. "I love you so much, you are the first man I'd ever fallen for, the first man who showed me how a woman should be loved. You cared for me, when I was sick you stayed by my side, whenever I needed comfort you were there, whenever I need someone to talk to you were there without complaint. You were there for me every step of the way. Never did I think you were overbearing, that was how you loved and it made me fall in love with you even deeper. No man can make my heart skip a beat like you do when you walk inside our house. I love every part of you, the good, the bad, the grouchy, the arrogant, all of those are a part of you and I love every one of them. I can't face a world where you aren't in it, without you by my side I will be lost. Thank you for always taking care of me, thank you for always being there for me, being my shoulder...chest to cry on, being my hero, being my lover and being the father of our child who I know without a doubt that you'll love with every ounce of you but most importantly thank you for being the handsome, blunt and honest man you are, never change." She wrapped her arms around his waist tilting her head to look into his eyes.

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