Celebration of Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

"Gandalf? Could you do something for me?" she questioned.

"Of course, my dear. What is it?"

"Could you open a portal so I can go home?" Her e/c eyes were sad, but also hopeful as Gandalf nodded.

"Yes, I can do that for you. Do you want everyone to say farewell to you?" Y/n nodded,and Gandalf set off to retrieve the Company as Y/n made her way outside, gazing over the city of Dale in the distance.

"Y/n..." Balin said, she turned, and tears spilled from her eyes as they came up and hugged her in a group hug. Once they all pulled away, she hugged each one individually. When she got to Smaug, she hugged his neck.

"Farewell, dear Y/n. I hope you will find everything you're looking for," Smaug said. Y/n nodded and continued on, reaching Thorin.

"I really am sorry for calling you an imp," he chuckled sadly. "But just know, you are not one, and you were actually a joy to have in the Company. You've made all of us, especially Kili, very happy. So I thank you."

"No problem, my king. I'm glad I did something to bring joy." She hugged Bilbo next, who was tearing up, but not quite crying. "My dear Bilbo. If Gandalf wouldn't have directed me to your house, I wouldn't have gone. Thank you for your hospitality that day."

"It was my pleasure, Y/n. Have a good time in your world and make sure to remain kind to all."

"I will. Gandalf. Thank you for everything you've done for me." She hugged the wizard as more tears fell down her cheeks. Gandalf smiled softly at her.

"I should be thanking you. You've saved all our lives, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Goodbye, Y/n."

"Fili," she stared, her voice cracking. "We didn't interact much, but just know that if I had to pick someone to tell anything to, it would be you, little lion prince." Fili laughed and looked at his shoes before hugging her.

"I agree we didn't talk as much as we should, but I consider you my best friend. Thank you for everything you've done for not just us,but everyone. We'll miss you dearly." Y/n nodded towards him and turned to Kili. She practically threw herself into Kili's arms, burying her face in his shoulder.

"I'm so, so sorry that I'm leaving, Kili. If I didn't miss my family so much, I'd stay right here. And if I could come and go as I pleased, I'd come back as often as possible. But I think... I think this is goodbye for good." Kili placed his hand on the side of her face and wiped her tears.

"Listen to me, Amrâlimê, as long as you have that rune stone, I will always be with you. Even when we're world's apart. Just please, don't forget us," Kili said through tears. She nodded and Kili kissed her forehead before she turned and signaled to Gandalf, and he opened a silver portal. She started towards it, but paused. She needed to do one last thing before she left.

Spinning on her heels, she went up to Kili and crashed her lips against his. Her hands landed on the sides of his face,and his hands on top of hers. He savored this last moment with her, before he felt her break away and whisper four words the both broke and made his heart beat faster.

"I love you, Kili." He felt her hands move away from his face and he knew she was gone. Opening his eyes, his suspicions were confirmed. The portal was gone, and the fiery haired girl was, too. Yet, he could still hear the last sentence she said clear as day in his head, and he looked to the sky and whispered, with tears falling down his face.

"I love you too, Y/n."


A/N: Sorry if I made any of you cry!! Do not worry, this is not the end! I have plans, still! I keep saying it, but I have so much fun writing this book and reading comments! I love seeing what you all have to say! Also, thank you for this story being 1 in #bagend for almost 2 weeks!! 🥳🥳 Anyways (there's that word again 😒) catch you all in the next chapter!
Bye, lovelies!!

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