Chapter 45

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If you really want to get a feeling for the chapter, listen to Please don't go by Stephanie Raine, Just after the flashback.

。☆✼★━DEDICATED TO━★✼☆。

ALL my readers, including my friends, ✼420_feelings  ✼ Crownsangel67 ✼ awakened_dreams ✼ Twixachu9602 hafsaatif22 ✼ liasteashop ✼ F3th3rA

I love all of you!!

"Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you."

Monica POV

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Monica POV

I've underestimated the cold of the cell the first night, but after that, my body became accustomed to it, like a second skin. The frigid air has started to grow on me, the more I tried to fight it, the colder I felt. So, I took it all in, embracing the feeling of failure.

I honestly don't know how long I have been here. Mitch has me blindfolded, tied to a table and apparently, I have sort of IV drip in my arm, I remember the needle entering my skin, but not the IV. That night the needle burned my skin up to the point that the pain became numb.

Reaching William was hard, but what else could I do? I can't allow Mitch to get Lily and do to her what he has done to me. All I could do was breathe, deeply, and slowly wishing the pain away. I had not forgotten what he did to me, I will never forget. It took the last bit of will power I had left to tell him to tell Alexander that I love him, but I needed to say it.

The pain throbbed between my thighs and the sharp pain in my stomach felt like someone was cutting into my organs with a knife.

I closed my eyes as I tried to erase the memories out of my mind, that first night was more than hell. But still, the memory played in my mind again.


"I'm p-pregnant?" I choked out, the blood dripping from my thighs to the hard, wooden floor.

"Not anymore," Mitch said, with the biggest smirk on his face. "We can't allow the royal line to continue, now can we?" he spat out.

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