Chapter 35

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"The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space." – Marilyn Monroe

Alexander POV - yes I know

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Alexander POV - yes I know. long overdue  😁

We sat quietly in my office, the sun was starting to set, it was the only time she would meet with us. Waiting for Maxine has proven to drive me absolutely insane. She has no concept of time, it's always surprising when she shows up in time when we really need her. She has become an arrogant piece of work, always looking to cause trouble between mates.

The palace was quite like everyone was mourning the lost pup, but I needed to hold onto that little hope, for her. It's also the closest building we have to the hospital, which at the time is where we are waiting for Maxine. 

Testing my patience is one of her newly found hobbies.

'This is going to be shit. You know it.' Zane said pacing in my head. 'You can't keep ignoring the question, or the truth Alexander. Own up to it.'

'I know. Now shut up!' 

'When are you going to tell her?' he asked, pacing. He seemed agitated, restless even.

'No time, like the present. Now stop pacing. You're giving me a headache!' 

I stared at her, she kept her hands placed on her stomach the entire time, like she thought that taking them away would do some kind of harm. She looked beautiful, she always looked so darn beautiful. Puffy cried eyes or not, she is gorgeous. 

I could feel the smirk on my face as I drank her in. She lifted her head and gave me a slight smile, her hazel eyes still red from all the crying and pain.

Goddess, please forgive me...

"Love," I said, she looked at me with curiosity. "I want to tell you about, Maxine."

She raised her eyebrows at me and nodded her dead. I stood up and sat on the ground before her placing my hands gently on her legs'. 

"Maxine, she is, our pack witch, but..." I felt the words become bitter in my mouth before I even said it. "We were also very close once." 

"What do you mean by very close?" her face fell and I knew she would put it together. 

"S- she was the first woman I ever... l... oved." The word came out of my mouth in a slow stutter. 

"Maxine and I were about 13 years old when we first met, she was just unbound from her circle and I was trying to put the pack together. We made a pact, we would always stick together and protect one another. We became best friends, and fell in love, by the time I was 16 the relationship turned into one of sex and as toxic as you could imagine. We used each other in ways that were not right, nor healthy. We both agreed to end it, she placed a spell on us, to remove the feelings we had for one another. It was the only way we could part ways and stay friends. The spell was broken two years before Lily was born. The feelings were gone from my side, and we stayed friends." 

King AlexanderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora