Chapter 19

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Alexander's POV

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Alexander's POV

The tapping sound of her nails on the table creaked through the silence of the office. Irritating the fucking living crap out of me. The sunlight crept through the closed blind of the office as I watched the light dance on the floor.

"Stop that!" I finally snapped, growling. Her head snapped up as she gave me a death stare, challenging Zane, and me. In my world respect is earned, not forced upon. For that very reason, we will never see eye to eye.

"Is that any way to talk to your mother, Alexander?" she asked. Well fuck.. here we go again. She just knows how to push my buttons.

"You lost that privilege the day you walked out of my life, leaving me with my younger sister so that you and him-" I said pointing to the man that calls himself my father. "-could go traveling the world and live your life. Leaving this Kingdom in a time where it needed you, their leaders. Those are the words you used? Correct?" I spat out.

My father growled, challenging me and Zane once again. He did not like the fact that I disrespected him and pointed out, once again, how much I actually despise them. 

"I am the former King and your mother the former Queen, Alexander. Show respect to us, as Royalty and your parents." He said growling, eyes flashing as he tried to scare me. He always did that. Even as a 10-year-old boy he terrified me with his eyes and growls. Not even to mention the way he used to snap, grinding his teeth at me.

"I am not a little boy anymore. YOU don't scare me!" I said back at him. I may have been scared of him as a child, but there is no way that he will ever hold that power over me. Not anymore.

Never again.

The brief moment of silence was once again interrupted by my mother, as she started to fiddle with her hands again. "So.." She said, looking from my father to me with an unknown expression on her face "We heard you have a new mate," she finally said. 

The elephant in the room has finally made its appearance. 

"That is none of your business." I snapped back. 

"Oh, it is, it's our business to protect this kingdom from your idiotic, dick mistakes, Alexander. Remember your last mate? What happened here?" My father decided to act like a concerned king. The funny thing is. He is the most pathetic king that has ruled this kingdom. Fuck he did more damage than Cecile herself.

"Strange that the two of you care now? After leaving this place, taking all the packs money and disappearing for years? Now you care?" I said, standing from my chair. 

"The only time this kingdom suffered was when you slept with a whore of a woman, getting her pregnant and allowing her to ruin this place, then you had the audacity to keep the fucken demon-child alive! Don't test me today, Alexander. I am not in the mood!" He snapped at me. 

How dare he? How dare he call my daughter that. Who the hell does he think he is? 

I could feel my blood boil as we stared daggers into each other. "And now. You have another whore lined up for this place. Another slut to bring this place down, do you have no respect for your ancestors?"

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