Chapter 20

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"You are my soul." - King Alexander

This chapter is unedited and will be edited asap <3

The leaves swirled around in the air, as the wind blew through the trees

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The leaves swirled around in the air, as the wind blew through the trees. The distinct sound traveled through the forest, unseen. 

I held Lily close to me, as I carried her to the playground. Alexander has still not told me what Cole told him yesterday, he has been somewhat distant as well.

I assume, its because I told him what I'm feeling. I guess it was a mistake to assume that his "I love you"  has more meaning than just the words themselves. It's sad really, that those three words are so easily used...

I could not help but feel, well, I don't know what I'm feeling now. All that I do know is that I may have overstepped the line.

We reached the playground and I put Lily down at the swings. She wobbled towards the sandpit and plumped her little body in the sand. She giggled and the other pups all joined her, laughing and smiling. They all looked so happy, genuinely happy.

The playground was somewhat busy, moms, dads and I presume nanny's, all played and enjoyed the day with their pups. The sight was beautifully blissful, making me wonder if I would ever be a real mom, with my own pup.

"Is he already bored with you?" 

My head snapped to the familiar voice beside me. I honestly did not expect her to be here, in broad daylight, lurking around.

"what do you want?" I asked nervously, reminding myself that she could easily kill me.

"oh, don't worry honey. I'm not here to kill you," she said with an evil smirk, lifting her eyebrows. "Not today, anyway." 

I clenched on the bench and tried to steady my breathing. Even though she said those words, I did not believe her. This woman always had a goal, a plain. 

"let me ask you this then. Why is he waiting with you?" she asked, for a moment I did not understand what she meant. Then it hit me, like a train in the face it hit me, hard.

"I don't know," I responded truthfully. Why the fuck I opened my trap I would not know, but the words just flew out of me. Why did Alexander wait with me? Does he not like me... like that? Is there something wrong with me? Is there someone else? 

Or maybe... he is disgusted by me, I mean, look at all my scars, the marks from the hunters, the cuts from back home. 

My mind was racing with a thousand possibilities, all concluding that something is wrong with, me. I stared at the ground underneath my feet and took another breath.

"He was in my pants not even five minutes after we met. Alexander takes what he wants, he does not ask. Guess you're just too scared and damaged for the Alpha King."

Her words cut deeper than I needed them to. My head lifted to look at her again and she was gone, in a second she was just gone like she was never even there to begin with.

King AlexanderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora