Chapter 11

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Without you, I'm just a sad song.

Without you, I'm just a sad song

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Alexander POV

"I don't care if you are busy, get the fucken place ready and pull your fucken head out of your ass, or ill pull your head off your neck!" I slammed the phone against the table, causing the screen to crack.

"WILLIAM!!" I shouted.

The office door flew open and William came rushing in almost falling over the slight step into the office.

"Yes?  Is there any news?" he asked, stopping a moment to catch his breath.

"They need to transfer her to the main pack hospital, but there is no fucking space in the special care unit," I responded, I can't believe my own pack doctor does not even care enough about his Luna. I guess he will not be alive much longer if he continues with his fucktart attitude.

"Alp... Alex, there is no way, there has to be space. Its the biggest hospital out of all of them with the best intensive care." William responded the way I thought he would.

"Well, I'm headed there now, to see for myself and if he is lying William... I swear to the Moon Goddess I am going to kill that asshole!" 

"Just relax first. Maybe he is telling the truth.."

I threw a stack of papers in his direction, causing the papers to scatter everywhere. "This is a list of all the rooms! Only 6 of the 20 is occupied, William! So don't tell me to relax! She is my fucking mate and I screwed up! I need to get her better! She needs to know how sorry I am." 

"We all do things we regret in some way or the other Alexander. You just have to own up to it. Life does not come with a handbook, and I'm sure if you try hard enough she will move past it. I saw the way she looked at you."

"Easier said than done. Your not the one who wanted her the one moment, and pushed her away the next."  I said truthfully. 

Since I found her and her friend exactly 4 weeks, 2 days, and 11 hours ago Zane has been radio silent. He blames me, and quite honestly, I blame myself. She has been in a state of shock, a coma, and her body has been forced to shift. Which made everything worse, first her body needs to heal from the shift in order to heal from the numerous cuts, silver acid burns and not to mention that her blood pressure has been sky high the entire first two weeks.

"How is the other girl doing?" William asked taking a seat at my desk.

"She is fine, she woke up, does not remember anything except for being taken by Mitch," I said.

"and the other one? the human who we found locked in the cages?" he asked.

"Katy? she is doing fine. She is actually at home, busy with Bella and Lily. She offered to look after her today." I responded. We found the poor girl locked up in a cell. We spent 3 weeks with her in a locked room to determine whether or not she is trustworthy. She seemed like she was in shock the entire time but the truth wolves, who could sense a liar better than anyone alive cleared her of any suspicions. So far she is harmless, helps the pack, and has been visiting Monica at times. 

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