Chapter 31

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"I've been running through the jungle, running with the wolves, to get to you." - William.

William POV

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William POV

"Where the fuck are you? William." Alexander mind linked me. Goddess, I would have thought by now his mood would have faded... just a little. 

"I've been running through the jungle, running with the wolves, to get to you." I linked him back.

'Don't go quoting Selena Gomes on him!' Seth growled. 

I mentally laughed at both of them.. just imagining Alexander's face of confusion, was enough to make my day...

Oh, wait,


I almost forgot.


'Gosh. You are an embarrassment for me!' Seth said, trying to gain control back.

'Ha! Take control and I won't shift for a whole week, Seth!! Hear me!' 

'oh boo hoo! I'll just force shift.' he said, purring like a darn cat in heat.

'Oh... really. Well, then I'll just take a little wolfsbane, daily...' 

'You are a complete idiot!' Seth said, cutting me off. Good. Finally, some peace and quiet.



Is it so much to ask just for one day, of silence? Not having my mind invaded by idiots. The hunger of not eating in so many hours was starting to play tricks on my mind. I hate it when I got like this. But hey, food is life!

"WILLIAM!!"Alexander shouted through the mind link again.

'Yes Alpha' I said, sighing, like a thousand-year-old dog.

"Where are you?"

"At your little playground of bodies," I responded, thinking of just how the hell well get this cleaned up.

"I'll be there now, I found her. She looks bad... Really bad." he linked back. I could feel the heartbreak in his voice, even though the mind link. I'll fucken kill them for touching her, whoever it may be. 

"She'll be okay, we'll get her to the hospital before we do anything else. How is her breathing?" I asked, as long as she is still breathing there is hope.

"That's fine, it's the amount of blood that's worrying me. There is some coming out of her mouth and her pants are soaked, I don't know if she cut her leg, but I need you to go to the hospital and make sure everything is ready before I get there. Clear the hospital of all visitors." He said, the pain in his voice was enough to drain my mood. 


Alexander cut off the mind link before I could respond. All I did know is that if I don't get there and do as he asked, we could lose her. The darn woman has completely changed the way we all used to be, and now she wants to go and die on us! 

Not on my watch, thank you very much!

The truth is, since she came into Alexander's life we have all become much closer, genuine friends. Real, true friends. Not just pass by friends.  This can't be the plan the moon goddess has for our pack and her. 

'Seth?' I asked. I knew Seth was faster and had better endurance than me. I needed him now to step up.

'Yes!! I know. I'll take over.' he said, taking control of our body.

He walked around a bit, sniffing the air. 

He lowered his head and before I knew it, he gobbled down a piece of meat.

'What was that?' I asked.

'Piece of loin.' He said proudly, licking off the blood from his mouth.

'FUCK! Seth!! You are a fucken crazy! Eating a piece of these... things... meat!?' I said, goddess, I wanted to hurl now.

'It was good.' 

'Good?' I spat out.

'Don't come crying to me when we are loaded with worms!' I shouted at him. 'or worse! If we turn out evil!'

 'or worse! If we turn out evil!'

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I know!! It's short. BUT I just wanted to write a little of William tonight... He makes me laugh. and I needed that. Thank you for reading.

PS- Please comment and Vote. I appreciate each and everyone.



Copyright © 2020 by @wildfiremockingjay
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