Chapter 32

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"A broken soul doesn't invest in boundaries because the world has crossed them, without mercy." ― Shannon L. Alder

Dedicated to awakened_dreams and  Crownsangel67

Dedicated to awakened_dreams and  Crownsangel67

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Alexander POV

It seems like disaster struck in more ways than once that day. Being back here was not something I ever wanted again. Not like this. My hand never left hers in the past three days. For now, it seems like room number 265 is my new home.

Lily has been cleared and was sound asleep in the hospital bed, next to Monica. Bella has been put on two weeks of bed rest, because of the stress she and the baby endured. I'm just glad that the baby is okay, along with Bella.

The white walls in the room were far too bright for my liking. The door opened and there stood Dr. Newport. One of the doctors Alpha Luke summoned to help us with this case. I still can't believe it though.

There is going to be a lot for Monica to deal with when she wakes up.

Alpha Luke's words traveled through my mind, the day he walked in here. "she looks just like my mother." His shocked expression and somehow similar features spoke a thousand words.

"Alpha King," he announced himself to me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yes, Doctor," I said, looking at him closely. He did not speak much, only the important stuff. 

"The blood tests came back. The Luna Queen, she tested positive for wolflizapan in her system, as I suspected. Her progesterone levels have raised a little, but that can be from the wolflizapan. We won't know for the next three weeks if the Woxytocin worked as a counter drug." He said, his face held zero emotion as he gave me the news.

He stepped towards the door, his back facing me as he stopped in his tracks. "She is strong, she will be fine, but emotionally. Alpha, you will have to prepare her for the worst. There is only a 5% chance that this will work."

The door closed behind him, followed by a knock.

"Alexander. May I come in?" William's voice was filled with so much emotion that it almost had me in tears. Me, in tears. Fuck.

"Yes." I choked out.

The door opened and he peeked through the opening.  His hair messy and the bags under his eyes were proof of the lack of sleep.

"Go to sleep, William. You look like I feel, like crap." I told him. He has been handling the pack business and has not left the hospital in the last three days.  

"I can't. I need to know if she will be okay," he said. He may have a strange way of showing it, with his antics and all, but he adored her. Everyone does.

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