Chapter 43

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This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful people who keep me going. Thank you, my friends. It's a short chapter because I don't want to do a POV switch, which is why I'm uploading two chapters at one time.


"This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something." ― Elizabeth Gilbert

" ― Elizabeth Gilbert

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Alexander POV

Blood dripped from my hand as I clenched his beating heart between my fingers. The blood gushed in a constant flow, with the beating of his heart. I could see the fear in his eyes, good, he deserves it!

I'm so fucken tired of this shit!

He's our last lead, and he couldn't tell me shit. So, what is the use of keeping him alive then? I clenched my hand tighter together, I could feel the beat of his heart slamming against my fingers, too bad, soon there will only be silence. The beat will quiet down soon enough. I kept my eyes locked on his, the time was drawing closer and he knew it. No more playing games, no more torture, no more chances.

It's time.

I placed a smirk on my face and with one swift movement, I pulled my arm back, I could feel my muscles flex as I ripped his heart from his chest. Red thick blood from his veins and arteries dripped on the floor.

With him died that last chance I had left.

His heart stilled in my hand, I released the organ as his body hit the ground. The room was a war zone, the once-spreading red stains had become brown and dry, the distinct smell of death hangs in the room like a perfume.

Tired is not even the way I'm feeling, now that I think about it. I stopped feeling tired after the first forty-eight hours. I shook the unnecessary thoughts from my head and took a deep breath.

I stepped over his lifeless body, William looked at me like I was bat-stir-crazy. Not that he is any better, he killed ten of his men, this morning only. So, I may have killed more, but it was needed, no one of these fucking bastards knew anything. 

This entire search has been one entire waste of time. William blames himself, but we both know that he couldn't do anything more.

One week, that's how long it's been since I touched her, since I've seen her.

One week of no leads, no clues, and no contact. I can still feel her, the bond is there, even if I feel her life draining. She is still there. She is still here, alive.

"But for how long?" Zane asked, and just as I wanted to answer him, he crawled back into his corner.

I would do anything, give up everything just to hold her in my arms again, to see her smile. To tell her that I want our pups just as much as she does. That I will be everything she needs and more. To tell her I love her, more than anything.

"If they're still alive." Zane spat out again.

"You look like shit," Cole said as he entered the cells. He took a sharp look at William, before facing me again.

"You need to go and clean up-" he looked at me firmly, then to William "-both of you. We'll never find her like this."

I couldn't help it, I just couldn't stop myself. I had his body pinned up against the wall before he even had a chance to look back at William.

"Don't you dare fucking tell me that I'll never find her," I shouted at him, my voice demanding his attention.

His eyes grew wide as he looked to William. "Don't fucking look at him, look at me! I am your Alpha."

He ignored me. Wrong move, Cole.

"I said, look at me. Now," I growled out loudly. Dropping his body on the ground. He may have no idea why his simple words set me off, but I do. The thought alone of never finding her, it's driving me insane.

Cole stared at me, his eyes filled with the one thing I hate.


"Don't look at me like that, I will find her." I snapped at him.

If it's the last thing I do.

I walked out of the cell, the dark, cold rooms were filled with silence. We never kept any prisoners here, not too long at least. There is no point in dragging out the evadible.

Death is death, no matter how soon it comes, or in what way.

I could see the sunlight breaking into the cell through the front door. Like a light, leading you towards something better.

No matter how hard I tried, everywhere I looked I kept seeing her. Her face filled with hurt, and disappointment, anger. All aimed at me, because I failed her, I failed them.

Just as we reached the front door, Marcus came running at full speed, his breathing panicked, as he looked at me.

"They are attacking. He is not with them. South Border. Pack House." He blurted out al at once.

Hello, my readers! Thank you for the input on who's POV will be showcased

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Hello, my readers! Thank you for the input on who's POV will be showcased. Next up will be William. I hope you liked the chapter. This chapter is dedicated to F3th3rA for choosing Alexander's POV and all her awesome input

All my love

PS- Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter 


。☆✼★━━━━━Copyright © 2020 by @wildfiremockingjay━━━━━━★✼☆。

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