Our first fight ft. Jr.Kook

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*The days passed by, Jungkook got busier and busier. And Yn had no less work to do, it was exhausting as the groups debut date came closer and closer. Yn tried her best to make it easy for Aria, which actually consumed most of her time. She's still a baby so Yn has a lot to learn about her. Meanwhile Jungkook started stressing himself again, with the amount of solo work that he had to finish. Yn and Aria gradually got used to visiting their dorm as Jungkook couldn't always stop by. With all that happening Yn couldn't help but mention about Aria often in their conversations, where as Jungkook just want to have a normal chat with her, to refresh his mind. He again started missing those days where he had Yn all for himself. He just needed some time alone with her. It's a Saturday afternoon where Yn, Aria and Mimi visited the BTS' dorm. Jungkook has been working from the morning on his mix-tape and finally came  out of his den, to eat lunch. It was an usual lunch filled with random talks and some random things that Aria does and everybody either uwuing or laughing at it. Yn observes that Aria is picking up a lot of Jungkook's habits, none of them were bad till now, so she just found it adorable. Currently Tae is feeding Aria, while Yn and Jungkook sat beside each other. Usually the concept of eating faster than others works on kids, but Aria always had her chill and never really cared about those baits. She just eats her food at her own pace avoiding unnecessary competitiveness which actually stated how chill her mindset is turning out to be. Everybody is eating their icecream. Aria rubbed icecream all over her palm, making it sticky*
A: *closing and opening her tiny palm, makes a disgusting face*
V: What's wrong Ari? *chuckles*
A: Sticcckkkyyy! *streching her lips*
V: Okay let's wash your hands. *he takes her to the basin in the open kitchen and washes her hands and puts her down to wash his hands as well*
A: *runs back to the dining table*
V: Yaah! You should wipe your hands. *shouts from the kitchen grabbing attention of a few people in the room*
*While everybody looked down at Aria's tiny figure running across the room, they just assumed that she is getting back to her seat. But Aria suddenly goes to Jin and wipes her hands on his shirt casually, making everybody laugh*
Jin: *notices Aria beside him* What is it Ari? Do you need something?
A: *nods saying no* *just casually wipes her hands and walks back to tae*
Jin: YAAAHH! What was that? *suddenly feels a huge palm stroking his shoulder*
*Jungkook was eating and didn't notice any of this, he had something on his hand his instinct was to wipe it on Jin's shirt*
Jk: *shook* What!? It's just water hyung.
*Everybody starts laughing including Jk*
Yn: Wasn't I telling you earlier that she was picking up Jungkook's habits?
V: Aah bajayo.
Yn: *controlling her laughter* Aria, you shouldn't do that okay?
A: But mommy kookie did it too.
Yn: Jungkook, you shouldn't do that too. *signals him to act along*
Jk: *chuckles with his cheeks stuffed with food* Okay mommy. *laughs*
Yn: *flicks his forehead* Shut up! He is being bad lately Aria. You are the good one right?
Jk: *whispers* I see, I'm being the bad boy huh? *smirks*
Yn: *pinches his leg* *mumbles* I swear if you don't shut it now-
Jin: *looks at Aria who got sad now* AAAGGGHH! JINJA! It's fine Aria, don't be sad now, you can do it.
A: *giggles and wipes ice cream on his shirt*
Jk: *laughs* Weyo? You told her that she can do it right?
Jin: *death glares at him*
A: Tae tae?
V: What is it baby?
A: Let's playyyyy! Car racing.
V: Okaayyy. Go get your toys, I'll finish eating by then okay?
A: Okaaayyy *jumps and hops to Jungkook's room*
*After finishing eating Jungkook walks to his room, to find Aria, tapping the keyboard of his computer that he left on the chair, in a hurry before going to eat*
Jk: *shook* Oh shit shit shit! ARIA NO! *walks to her and swiftly grabs the keyboard away from her tiny hands, before harshly placing it over his desk and looking at the computer screen all mad*
*He didn't realise that it's Aria's first time looking at Jungkook not being soft to her and she was just standing in the corner, wiggling her fingers looking at him with puppy eyes, knowing that she did something wrong this time*
Jk: *checking the screen* Didn't I tell you many times not to touch the keyboard Aria? *stern voice, with his furrowed brows and sharp jawline visible*
*Aria isn't like the kids that suddenly bawl out, she is more of the type that well up their tears, flushing her cheeks and her eyes got bigger , like the puppy eyes accommodating the tears*
Yn: *walks in* *looks at Aria* What's wrong?
Jk: AAGGHHHH! FUCK! *leans back on the chair gripping his hair with his hands*
Yn: *shook* Kook, language. Aria's here.
Jk: And that's what created the problem. *frustrated*
Yn: What happened? Aria what did you do?
Jk: She deleted my mixtape. *looks at Yn all mad*
Yn: *shook* Didn't I tell you to stay away from Kookie's computer Aria? *serious* Did you do that?
A: *in her shaky voice, tears rolling down* Y-yes. I'm sorry. *looks down*
*Looking at the tiny human that's standing in front of them and looking down, after confessing her mistake. Yn's gaze softens and the fact that she was welling up her feelings made her want to caress her. But on the other hand Jungkook was loosing his shit, he worked on it for a very long time and now it's gone*
A: I'm sowey kookie. I thought it a toy. I saw it here. *points to the chair*
Yn: *looks at him* *calm* Did you leave it on the chair?
Jk: *looking at her mad* Is that what matters now? Where I left my keyboard? I worked so hard on it and it's all gone now. *with a slight change in his tone*
Yn: Kook, calm down. I understand that but she agreed to her mistake and even apologised. You can even see how sorry she is. What else can we do right now? I would help you, anything that can make it easier for you.
Jk: *pushes the chair back controlling his anger*
A: I'm sowey.
Jk: *in a harsh tone* Oh you should be.
A: *flinches a little and is scared now*
Yn: Aria, come here. *picks her up*
Jk: *looking at the ceiling with hands over his hips* *still pissed*
Yn: Kook ca-
Jk: SHUT IT! Just shut it okay? You are not helping in anyway here, go baby her. That's all you do anyways.
Yn: *taken aback* W-what? Come on we both know how much I care for you. *still calm*
Jk: Yeah right *scoffs* It really shows. How you didn't even utter a word against her when it's clearly her mistake. Instead you take her side and tell me that she apologised and we can't do anything about it?
Yn: *puts Aria down and she hides behind her leg* Jungkooook! That'll only scare her from telling the truth next time. She learnt her lesson. *also loosing her calm* She is just a kid, what do you want me to do, yell like crazy at her?
Jk: You can be stern over a lollipop and not over this? *getting even more irritated*
Yn: Oh my god Jungkook! Please. It was because I was stern over that lollipop she learnt to say the truth in this situation and yelling at her will only scare her from telling the truth in the future.
A: *starts crying silently*
Yn: M-my daughter? *shook* *scoffs* WOW! FINE! *walks to the door picking Aria up*
Jk: *mumbles* Yeah, YOUR daughter. You talk all the time about her as if she's only your daughter. You don't even bother to have a normal conversation with me.
Yn: WHAT? SERIOUSLY? *also loosing her calm*
Yn: *mad* WHAT-
Yn: *looks at him for a second before walking away*
Jk: *looks at the door frame as her presence faded away along with Aria's, who peeked at him all scared from over Yn's shoulder* *closes the door* AAAGGGHH! Jinja. *sits in front of the computer and starts working again*
*In the living room*
Yn: Calm down Aria. This is why you should never touch the things that I tell you to stay away from.
A: *sniffs*'Kookie's scawey!
Yn: He is not baby! He is going to be fine. He is just stressed at the moment.
A: S-stressed?
Yn: I mean he has a lot of home work to do.
A: *sniffs* But he scold me. After I said sowey. *pouts with her nose all red*
Yn: *chuckles* I'll make sure he says sorry to you okay?
V: *walks to them* Wey wey wey wey? Why is she crying? *mad* Yn! Did you scold her again? *taking Aria into his arms*
A: No kookie scold me.
V: How dare he. I'll beat him up Aria. Don't cry now.
A: B-but he's my best friend too.
Yn: *tearing up a little* Tae can you take care of her for a minute? I need some fresh air.
V: *nods* *holds her arm slightly* Are you okay?
Yn: *nods and smiles before leaving*
*Clears her head standing in the balcony. Mi-Young approaches her after some time*
M: What are you doing here?
Yn: Nothing. Just wanted some fresh air.
M: Where's Jungkook?
Yn: In his room. Working.
M: Hmmm. Are you going to stay? I'll be leaving in an hour or two.
Yn: Well the plans was to leave along with Jungkook at night. But I don't think he'll be able to make it. So I'll come with you.
M: Okaayyy!
Jin: *shouting from inside* Mi-youngie?
M: I'll be inside Yn. *shouts* Coming!
Yn: *nods*
*Gets back inside after a while, to see Aria getting sleepy while playing with Hobi and Tae.*
Yn: She's sleepy.
H: Aauu. Are you going to put her to sleep?
Yn: *nods and takes Aria into her arms cradling her, in which she falls asleep in no time* *walks to Jungkook's bedroom, slowly pushes the door open, with her elbow and walks to his bed not sparing him a glance*
*Jungkook had a clue what was happening but he just didn't care to respond with his eyes on the screen and head phones over his ears*
Yn: *places Aria on the bed and sits beside her resting her back on the headboard* *looks at Jungkook's back and sighs*
*She stays like that for an hour, and Aria wakes up again. This time Yn packs her stuff and leaves with Aria in her arms.*
*After working till evening, Jungkook sighs in relief and looks up at the shelf in front of him. It had a picture frame of BTS, shifting his gaze he finds the picture of him, Aria and Yn, that's taken on Aria's birthday. Aria sitting over his shoulders with her hands on top of his head and Yn hugging him by his waist, while they were all laughing. Pouts to himself thinking about Aria's face when he yelled at her. And realisation hits him then, that he even raised his voice at Yn and not to forget the few curse words that escaped his mouth. Shifting his gaze from the photo he looks at the clock realising that it's already 9:00pm and panics remembering that he promised that they would leave to Yn's for dinner today.*
Jk: *hurries to the living room* Hyung! Where's Yn?
RM: *shook* They left way before. In the afternoon.
Jk: T-they left?
V: How would you know if you are busy yelling *sulks*
Jimin: Did something happen?
Jk: It was my mistake hyung, I left the keyboard on the chair and Aria pressed a few keys and deleted my work *sighs*
RM: Your frustration is understandable.
Jk: Hmmm. She apologised though.
RM: *nods* Did you?
Jk: Not yet. I'll leave now.
Jin: Eat your dinner and leave.
Jk: *nods* Ye!
*He had his dinner, but something felt very odd. The way it wasn't noisy at all, the way his mobile stayed silent without any notifications from Yn, the way there were no new random pictures of Aria, popping up in the gallery, the way there is no tiny human tugging his shirt or his short, it all felt so wrong and weird. He was already feeling guilty for yelling hurtful words at Yn and this silence just added to it. Finally, finishing his dinner, he drives off to Yn's place*
*Yn puts Aria to sleep. But she couldn't sleep so decides to have some wine. Texts Dara, to check on her the next morning wether she wakes up in time to take care of Aria. She gets drunk and then goes to sleep on the couch, after controlling her tears, that flowed till then, thinking about their small incident today. She wasn't necessarily sad but definitely hurt and she knew that she was at mistake too and she wasn't in denial either*
*Jungkook reaches Yn's place and switches on the lights in the living room and looks at Yn, that fell asleep on the couch with her one arm hanging freely. He also notices the bottle of wine and an empty glass beside it.*
Jk: What a bad boyfriend that made her cry and drink because of him? *mumbles to himself* *picks her up into his arms, with her head rested on his chest* I even yelled at you. *pouts to himself*
Yn: *mumbles* Why are you caring for me now? All I do is care for MY daughter right? *drunk* *wraps her hand around his neck*
Jk: *just stays silent*
Yn: And you say that I don't care for you? *scoffs* Put me down.
Jk: *laying her on the bed* There you go. *speaks softly in his honey voice*
Yn: *tossing around* Now you listen to me? What happened to this good boy behaviour earlier today huh? *eyes still closed*
Jk: *getting under the covers with her, pulls her closer towards him* I know. I'm sorry honey. Will you please forgive me?
Yn: No! I won't *falls asleep cuddling onto his chest*
Jk: *sighs* I'm sorry Yn.
*In the morning Jk wakes up early and kept on roaming from Aria's room to Yn's room, to check if either one of them woke up. And that continued for an hour.*
*Yn wakes up in the morning and finds herself on the bed. Sits up straight confused. Jungkook walks into the room right then.*
Jk: *nervous* Y-you're awake?
Yn: *calm* No, it's my ghost that's sitting in front of you right now. *gets up and leaves to the washroom*
Yn: *comes back and sits on the edge of the bed, checking her mobile*
Jk: *biting his lower lip* Y-Yn, I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you.
Yn: *stays silent, and looks at him*
*She could see that he's on the verge of crying and very dull at the moment. She knew that one more cold sentence from her and that's it, Jungkook will start crying.*
Jk: A-and I take my words back, that you only care for Aria and also where I stressed 'YOUR' daughter.
Yn: *just looks at him with a blank face* *her gaze softens looking at how guilty he got at the moment*
Yn: Come here.
Jk: W-what?
Yn: *opens her arms* Come here.
Jk: *lays down beside her, resting his head over her chest, while her hands wrapped around him, pulling him into her warmth*
Yn: Are you done with your work? *caressing his hair, while her chin rested on top of his head*
Jk: Hmmm. Almost. Let's not talk about it. I really am sorry Yn.
Yn: I'm sorry too Kook. I'll try taking out some more time for you and only you.
Jk: No don't be! It's okay. I was being way too demanding.
Yn: *chuckles* You do realise there is one more person that you need to apologise right?
Jk: Yes. I came all prepared. *looks up at her*
Yn: What did you prepare? *pushes his hair back*
Jk: This *places multiple kisses all over her face*
Yn: *giggling* Okay, okay. Save some for the main one then.
Jk: *chuckles* Okay ma'am!
Yn: *sighs* I guess we had our first official fight?
Jk: *smiles* Yeah, after what- 7 months?
Yn: *surprised* Its already been 7 months. Wow! And look how many things changed.
Jk: *nods* I know right *snuggles into her neck*
Yn: *chuckles* What would have happened if Mr. Lee didn't allow Dara to talk to Jimin?
Jk: *pouts* I'm sorry okay? I don't even know when I put it on airplane mode.
Yn: *chuckles* It's okay kook. Sometimes I feel that we are bound to happen.
*In the background: MOMMMYYYYY!*
Yn: Looks like your cupcake is up. *lets go of Jungkook and gets up*
*In Aria's room*
Yn: Good morning sweeety!
A: *stretches her arms*
Yn: *picks her up* Did you sleep well?
A: *nods*
Yn: Come on let's brush your teeth.
*After freshening her up and showering her, Yn is dressing Aria up, while Jungkook was also taking a shower in their room*
Yn: Let's wear this cute one today. Okay B?
A: No. Can I wear that one?
Yn: *chuckles* Okay. As you wish. I'll prepare the breakfast for you. What do you want to do?
A: Can I play lego?
Yn: Okay. *puts her down on the floor* Let's go.
A: I'll bring chimmy too. *runs back to her room*
*Yn walks into the open kitchen and starts preparing, while Aria stood near the coffee table with her legos over it. Jungkook walks out of the bed room and pauses looking at Aria.*
A: *looks up at him and runs to Yn, holding her leg* Mommy, pick me up.
Jk: *purses his lips*
Yn: What is it Aria? I'm cooking.
A: Mommmyyyyy, pick me up, pick me up *starts throwing a fit*
Yn: *sighs, picks her up* What is it now? *continues cooking with her other hand*
*Jungkook walks back to the bedroom to get his phone*
Yn: *notices it* Are you still mad at Kookie?
A: *nods with a pout*
Yn: *chuckles at her cuteness* He's sorry too baby. Go play with legos okay?
A: Okay. *gets down* *goes back to the coffee table and starts playing quietly*
Jk: *slowly sneaks beside her, sitting on the carpet while she stood there playing* Can I play with you Ari?
A: No. *mumbles with her mad face*

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