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*They are in the car right now, while Yn just looked out the window, letting the cool breeze brush her face,resting it on her elbow. Jungkook slowly reaches out for her hand making her turn her attention to him.*
Yn: How many people did you date before?
Jk: *chuckles* why are you so random? I dated back in my high school, after moving to college I was already in the limelight and never actually thought about dating after that, concentrating on our career. Although I had a few crushes here and there. *pauses* Why?
Yn: *smiles* Nothing. It's just your ways seem very experienced. *chuckles teasing him*
Jk: *laughs* That's because I have always had these things figured out in my head, what I want to do with the person I love. When I started to realise that I can't play around, I always saved the things that I really want to do, in my head.
Yn: Can I tell you something Kook? Remember when Taehyung called me the lady version of Jungkook?
JK: *chuckles* Yes, I do.
Yn: Do you know why I cut him off? Because I knew that we are similar. Even right now, I feel like I'm talking to myself from the past. I have always had these things in my head. *sighs* But my reality turned out to be way too harsh. *a little sad*
Jk: * caressing her knuckles with his thumb* Things change Yn. The reality that you experienced has already passed away, we are the reality now. Let's do each and everything, no matter how long it takes, let's check out each and every box in our bucket list.
Yn: *smiles at him* *has no words to say*
Jk: *lifting her hand up, kisses the back of her palm* I don't know about you but I guess I'm way ahead in completing the things that I wanted to do.
Yn: *smirks* Oh so you want to compete with me now?
Jk: *also smirks* Bring it on baby.
Yn: You are already, completing things off for me. I'm going to win. *laughs*
Jk: *leaves her hand* Hey! that's not fair. *serious*
Yn: *laughs* *takes his hand and holds it enveloping in both her hands, making him smile*
Jk: Where's the ring that I gave you? *acting mad*
Yn: It kept slipping from my thumb, so I made it into a pendant. *pulls out her chain and shows the ring that's hanging*

Jk: *smiles trying to hide it from her and looks away again, suddenly feels a hot tear on his hand, while Yn's finger rubbed it away* *immediately turns his head*Yn: I love you Kook

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Jk: *smiles trying to hide it from her and looks away again, suddenly feels a hot tear on his hand, while Yn's finger rubbed it away* *immediately turns his head*
Yn: I love you Kook. I know I don't say it often but I really do. *smiles at him warmly looking into his eyes*
Jk: Y-Yn *stops the car aside and hugs her tight, caressing her back* *sighs* I don't think we'll make it to the cafe at his rate.
Yn: *chuckles and sniffs* Sorry.
*Jungkook chuckles at her cuteness and starts driving off and they finally reach the cafe. Yn opened the shutters while he came back after parking the car. They enter the cafe and close the shutters.*
Jk: Okay, I can't wait anymore. What is that you are going to tell me? *shows his bunny smile*
Yn: *chuckles* I'm surprised that you could hold it in till now.
Jk: Tell me, tell me.
Yn: Calm down and help me first. *takes his hand and goes into the kitchen*
Jk: Whaaaat? *whines and follows her*
Yn: *taking a tray of freshly baked cupcakes out of the oven and placing them on plate* Here eat this. *shoves one into his mouth*
Jk: *chewing with his cheeks stuffed and mad*
Yn: Why the hell are you so cute? *pecks his lips suddenly and leaves*
Jk: Yaaahh! Firstly you still didn't tell me what you were going to say and then you shoved a cupcake into my mouth, *pauses* it's delicious though, *mad again* and then you kiss me and leave? Not giving me a chance? *swallowing*
Yn: *chuckles* If you are done eating then will you come here please? *standing near the clay table*
Jk: NO! *pouts*
Yn: I feel like you are getting influenced by Aria. *laughs* *looks at him, still pouting* Okay then, I guess you don't want to listen to what I have to say.
Jk: *slowly walks to her, still pouting and hands crossed in front of his chest* *mumbles* What?
Yn: *squishing his cheeks* Sit there. *takes a seat across the table*
Jk: *takes the stool and goes behind Yn and pulls her stool closer with his legs* *now his legs are on either side of Yn*
Yn: *shook* What are you doing? *looks back at him*
Jk: You really thought I'd sit across the table? And not behind cuddling you? *smirks* *saying that he leans and plants a kiss on her lips* Are you going to say it now?
Yn: *nods saying no* I will, just wait a bit.
Jk: *sighs* *grabs the clay from the table, leaning over her* What do you want to make?
Yn: Anything that can remind us of our time that we spent together at this place. *smiles and calm*
Jk: Why are you being so sentimental all of a sudden?
Yn: Kook, I wanted this to be a surprise but, I feel like this is the right time to say it to you. *leaning her back on his chest* We're closing this cafe in a month.
Jk: *shook* You what? *worried* Yn is something wrong?
Yn: *smiles* No.
Jk: *furrowing his brows* Then? Why are you closing it? *talking in pout* These are all the things that you wanted to do right? And they make you happy, then why aren't you trying to keep it?
Yn: What are the things that make you happy kook?
Jk: Why are you asking that now?
Yn: Just answer me.
Jk: No, You answer me.
Yn: *sighs* Such a stubborn kid. Okay, yes I wanted to do all these and I also needed to earn. But now I'm satisfied with what I did. I feel like I should take my life a step ahead. Now tell me what can make you happy?
Jk: Yn, your answer is still so vague. Fine! I have many actually. BTS, ARMY, you, Aria and there are countless things.
Yn: So, are you fine staying away from me and Aria?
Jk: I'm not fine but it's not like I'm going to pester about that. I'll be the happiest if we are together.
Yn: Okay, so, listen. Kook, these are the things that helped me regain my happiness, but I'm satisfied now and I'm at peace with myself. I feel like it's time that I upgrade my life by a level by doing what makes me the happiest. And its you. *pauses, turns facing him* *looking at him nervously* I decided to move to Korea kook and we can be together. I mean, I got an opportunity where I can earn doing what I love and also get to be with you, then I would be an idiot if I don't grab it.
Jk: *jungshook and zones out thinking*
Yn: Kook?
Jk: *looks at her still shook* S-so your'e telling me that- you are coming to Korea - a-and live there?
Yn: *smiles* Yes.
Jk: *still shook* L-like living in Korea, not like a visit or a vacation.
Yn:*chuckles* Yes, living in Korea. To be specific Seoul, not mare than an hour away from you, at the maximum.
Jk: B-but Yn, what about Aria?
Yn: I want her to explore. And it could be a little hard in the beginning but it's the correct age to grasp a language and culture effortlessly. She's going to be fine, although I'm little unaware how the schooling system in Korea is.
Jk: *still looking at her with his wide bambi eyes and shocked*
Yn: Okay, you take your time. I have to take some crockery out of the kiln. I'll be back. *gets up and turns to leave*
Jk: *holds her wrist* *also gets up and looks at her* You aren't forcing yourself right? You are happy with this right? *concerned*
Yn: Of course I am happy kook. Do you think I'll force myself? For something that I don't want to do? *chuckles* You know me.
Jk: *nods and looks down*
Yn: *furrowing her brows* Is anything wrong? *peeks to look into his eyes* I see that you are not okay with this.
Jk: *panics and looks up* No, no. You have no idea how happy I am right now. I am so happy that, I'm not able to grasp all this and react properly. But trust me Yn, I feel like I'm flying. Like literally flying.
Yn: *chuckles* Okay, take some time. I'll just be back.
*While taking her dishes out from the kiln, Yn could suddenly hear Jungkook's voice faintly in the background. She keeps the pottery aside safely, finishing her work, walks to the room where Jungkook is in. And she literally had no clue what was happening there.*
*Jungkook is hoping around in the room, talking over the phone, throwing fists in air and then flashing his bunny smile, as wide as he could. He kept on yelling a single sentence*
Jk: * On call* geunyeoneun hangug-eulo isahagoissda,(she's moving to Korea)   geunyeoneun hangug-eulo isahagoissda,  geunyeoneun hangug-eulo isahagoissda. *repeating it countless time*
Yn: J-Jungkook?
Jk: *turns around with his face that is lit up like a sun, flashing his bunny smile* YYNNNNN! hangug-eulo isa (you are moving to Korea) *runs to her and hugs her lifting her from the ground*
Yn: *still confused* Did you get pregnant or what? What are you saying? *she could hear laughter from Jungkook's phone*
Jk:  hangug-eulo isa. *tightens the hug and pecks her ear*
Yn: *hugs back and smiles from over his shoulder*
Jk: *puts her down and holds her face* I still can't believe it. I wanted it so bad and it's happening right now.  hangug-eulo isa *kisses her slowly*
Yn: *smiles* This is what I wanted, to see you happy. And I'm more than happy knowing that it's because of me.
Jk: Your bare existence makes me happy Yn.
* Shouts can be heard from over the phone: OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!*
Jk: Shit, I forgot. *picks up the phone that's facing the floor, he was on a facetime with BTS*
Jimin: Can't wait to see you Yn. I'm happy for you guys.
Yn: *smiles* Thank you. I'll be there soon.
*while Yn is holding the phone, Jk is clapping in tiny in the background lost in his own world and singing*
Jk: Yn hangug-eulo isa,  Yn hangug-eulo isa,  Yn hangug-eulo isa. *singing in a random tone*
Yn: *on face time* Can you please tell me what does that mean? He said it for about a 100 times in the past one minute.
RM: *chuckles* He's just saying that you are moving to Korea.
Yn: *chuckles and blushes*
Jin: It's high time you take Korean lessons now Yn. If you are going to make him that happy then be ready for all that he is going to blabber in Korean.
Yn: *chuckles* Maybe you can help me.
V: You just reach Korea and the rest is handled. *also excited*
Yn: I'm going to leave Aria's Korean teaching to you then. *teasing him*
V:  Done! Daebak!
Yn: *looks back at Jk and smiles at him being his funny self* What do you say excuse me? and address him with respect? Like excuse me, Mr. Jungkook.
RM: Informally its chogiyo and you can say Jungkookssi.
Yn: Okay. *turns back* *stern* CHOGIYO JUNGKOOKSSII!
Jk: *walks closer to her and hugs her from the back placing his chin on her shoulder* Ye! Ynssi.
Yn: Are you done with your ritual there? *looks at him turning her face to the side*
Jk: *looks at her* *smiles* Yes. * about to kiss*
Yn: *shook and tries to move her head back*
Jk: *chuckles* Annyeeooooo *cuts the call and takes the phone away from Yn's hand, and places it on the table* *turns her towards him and touches her forehead with his*
Yn: *smiles* So that's how you go crazy?
Jk: I didn't know about it till today. I have never experienced this feeling before. That's why I didn't know how to react.

Jk: Let's go! I have a lot of things to make. You'll run out of clay. *smirks*
*After they made many objects for themselves as a memory being all clingy to each other, yn's alarm rings indicating that it's time that they go home. They travel back to her place and Yn goes in to freshen up, she comes out and sees that Jungkook isn't in her room. Walks around the house searching for him and observes that Aria's door is open.*
Yn: *notices Jungkook sitting beside Aria's bed and watching her sleep* What are you doing here. *stands beside him*
Jk: *pulls Yn onto his lap making her sit sideways and holds her by her waist* Just wanted to see her sleeping with her mouth open. *bunny smile*
Yn: *laughs silently, looks at him and talks in a low tone not waking Aria up* You sleep like that too. *running a hand through his fluffy hair*
Jk: You sure, Aria is your daughter? *smoulders* like we didn't meet at all or something?
Yn: *hits his cheek mildly with one hand around his neck* Shut up! You pervert! *giggles*
Jk: *in his stern voice* Ah Ynssiiiii! Did you just slap me and call me a pervert? *suddenly turns into hot Jungkook from cute jungkook*
Yn: *shook* How do you do it? Switching modes?
Jk: You better apologise! *smirks*
Yn: No. I won't. *kisses him all of a sudden*
Jk: So shameless! You're making out in front of your kid. I think I should teach you about parenting.
Yn: *squishing his cheeks* You are the biggest kid I have ever seen kook. *teasing him*
Jk: *suddenly gets up with his one hand on her back and the other under her knees, holding her in the air*
Yn: *sook and interlocks her arms around his neck* Yaah! What are you doing?
Jk: It's high time I show you I'm not a kid. *smirks* *carrying her out*
Yn: *shook and blushing* Yaah! put me down.
Jk: Wait a min till we reach you room honey, I'll put you down there, on bed. *smirks again*
Yn: JUNGKOOOK!!! *buries her face into his neck, blushing mess now*
Jk: I'll make sure you don't dare to call me a kid again. *drops her on the bed and hovers over her*
Yn: *tensed* Jung-
Jk: *starts kissing her*
Yn: *tried to push him away but gives up, making him smirk through the kiss*
Jk:*plants many tiny pecks over her neck making her tingle* *suddenly stops and looks into her eyes*
Yn: What?
Jk: *smirks* Nothing. *gets up* I'm going to freshen up.
Yn: *throws a pillow at his face* Such a tease. *rolls eyes*
Jk: Why? What were you expecting huh?
Yn: *covering herself with the duvet* Nothing.
Jk: *chuckles* And then you call ME a pervert.
Yn's POV: Can he just leave, I'm embarrassed to my core now *slowly peeks out of the covers hearing the bathroom door shut* *sighs* *drifts to sleep in the meanwhile*
*Jungkook comes out and sees that she fell asleep, tip toes to the bed. Observes that the bouquet is preserved in a glass jar after air drying. 

Smiles to himself and looking at her and  lays down beside Yn, drifts to sleep cuddling her

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Smiles to himself and looking at her and  lays down beside Yn, drifts to sleep cuddling her. Around midnight he feels awake and looks around and looks at Yn, that's already looking at him*
Jk: Weren't you sleeping?
Yn: *smiles* No.
Jk: I think your stares woke me up Yn. *closes his eyes* *half-asleep*
Yn: *giggles* I am just compensating for all the days that I couldn't see you.
Jk: *hugs her enveloping her, with her face buried into his chest and drifts to sleep*
Yn: *loosens his grip over her allowing her to look at him* *plays with his hair for a while* *pinches his cheeks lightly* Kook?
Jk: *no response*
Yn: Waah, I guess you are really blessed with this sleeping ability. *chuckles*
Yn: *sighs* I just hope we stay together for a long long long time. I know that I don't express myself much, but I'll try my best to make you feel loved. I might be a little hard to be with but I really want to yell on top of my lungs how much you mean to me. I love you Jeon Jungkook. *pecks his lips, hugs him and goes back to sleep*
Jk: *smiles with his eyes closed as soon as she looks away and hugs him* POV: You are not difficult to be with Yn. You'll see it, I'll make you see it.

*The next morning Yn wakes up, slowly adjusting her sight to the bright light and warm air coming from the window, indicating that it's way past sunrise. She looks to her side to find nothing but the cold mattress, that once had Jungkook's warmth a few hours ago.  Confused, she reaches out for her mobile and sees that it's already 10:00am, this was enough to banish all her sleepiness. She immediately jumps out of the bed and goes down after getting freshen up*
*Yn enters the living room and was confused looking at the scene in front of her. *

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