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*The house warming was simple. Yn decorated house in a very cozy and aesthetically using all the earthy colours. They got her tiny presents for the house warming. After spending some more time together Yn eased around BTS more and more and they also loved being in her company. Jin decided to introduce the girl that he's dating, once he gets back as it can be helpful to Yn, when Aria arrives. Jin doing his Oppa duties sincerely hehe. BTS left for Japan and the dance mentors shoot happened. The teasers are to revealed during the weekend. Yn completely moved into her house after BTS left for Japan, taking most of her stuff away from Jk's. So the week was pretty hectic and passed by so quick. Now it's Sunday again, the day the teasers were supposed to be released. BTS invites Yn for lunch at a restaurant and Jin also invites his girl, to introduce them. BTS already reached the place and are in their cabin. The other two ladies are yet to arrive.*
Yn: *hurriedly walks in to the restaurant and bumps into a girl* Chaesoanmida. *walks away without looking back at her*
Yn: *enters the cabin* *she wore black parallel pants and a simple white t-shirt tucked in, along with her infamous cap and mask* Sorry I'm late.
V: Aaaghhh! Finally!
Yn: *removes her cap*
Jin: Ah Yn, we were just talking about you. This is Mi-Young. I told you right? Mi-Young this is Yn.
Yn: *shook* Mimi?
M: Yn?
Yn: *removes her mask* I mean Mi-Young?
M: Waaah! What a small world? *hugs her* So it was you, I thought I saw someone familiar when you bumped into me earlier.
Yn: It was you? Sorry.
M: *looking at her* Waah! You have changed a lot, you look even more beautiful.
Yn: *chuckles* You look the same though, the cute old, charming girl.
Jin: Okay hold on! You know each other already?
M: *nods* Ye oppa. We met during our college.
RM: What a small world!?
M: I know right.
M: I didn't get to contact you after your wedding. That's the last time we met I guess. How's Mr. Black? *pauses* No wait, Oppa said that you are dating Jungkook? *confused*
Yn: *takes a seat beside Jk* *sighs* We got a divorce Mimi. Long story and I wasn't in contact with anybody after the marriage. I cut all my threads.
M: O-oh. Well I always thought you deserved better. *shrugs* Just like you did for me.
Yn: *chuckles*
V: Okay wait. So Yn was the one that helped you get away from your toxic ex?
M: *nods*
Jin: Really? WOW! Ynyah I'm officially your oppa and your guardian angel from now on.
Yn: *laughs* Okay okay. Did you also tell her about Aria?
Jimin: No. not yet.
M: Who's Aria?
Suga: Yn's daughter.
M: WHAT? You have a baby? How old is she?
Yn: She'll be turning 3 soon.
M: Was that with, you know- *looks at Jk*
Jk: Yes. *smiles*
M: *nods* I don't know what happened but I already hate that guy now. *mad*
Jin: Calm down Jaagi. We all do. And Yn has moved to Korea now, so he's out of their lives. Well mostly.
Jin: Yn, Mi-Young runs kids' care centres. Well, I need not tell anything further, you two can discuss later.
Yn: Really? But you were a Paediatrician right?
M: Yes, I still am. This is included as a wing in my practice. And you know I looooooveeee kids.
Yn: *laughs* Yeah. I remember.
M: Man Yn! It's really been a long time. *looks at her adoringly* I kind off missed you. *tears up*
Yn: *smiles* I'm sorry for cutting you off. I have missed you too.
Hobi: I'm glad that you guys got to meet each other again and that too as a part of this family.
Jk: Me too. *trying to cheer up* Now, I need attention Yn, you already gave enough to the crowd around you. *pulls her chair closer to him*
Yn: *chuckles* Okay Bunny!
*They start ordering*
Jk: *looking at the menu, while Yn peeked into it resting her cheek on his arm* What do you want to eat?
Yn: I can't decide. This looks yummy and this too.
Jk: *looks at her, turning his head* Half and half again?
Yn: *giggles* Yes. But I want this too. *looks at him sheepishly*
V: *from across the table* Share that with me. Half and half.
Jk: *panics* No!
V: Yaaah! It's just a dish. *whines and pouts*
M: What's happening? *chuckles*
V: Mr. Jeon Jungkook here *points to Jk* gets jealous every time Yn talks to me just because I was her bias back then during her college days.
Jk: Hyuyyyunnnnggg!
M: *laughs* Agh, I remember. She was head over heels for you. You know she even drew a portrait of yours.
V: *wide eyes* Really?
Yn's POV: I'm dead. *slowly gets up from Jungkook's arm and looks up at him*
Jk: *burning with jealousy* *death glares at Yn*
Yn: *chuckles awkwardly* Y-you know Kook, t-that was, ummm around 5 years ago.
Jk: *still serious* So you did? Waaah! Your first reaction for Japchae was that it's V hyung's favourite when you don't even know what my favourite is and now.
BTS: *holding back their laughter*
Yn: Yaah! Mimi!
Jk: Why are you shouting at her? Answer me! *talks in pout, all triggered*
*Waiter arrives*
W: Your order sir?
Jk: Just once kimchi fried rice for me. *sulks*
Yn: Yaah! What about our half and half?
Jk: Go share it with V hyung. *crossing his arms*
Yn: Jungkooooook! It was years ago. Come on now! *holding back her laughter*
Jk: You think this is funny? *glares at her*
Yn: Sorry sorry.
*The waiter leaves in the meanwhile*
V: Do you have the picture?
Yn: Tae, your not helping.
V: What? You might as well show it now, he's going to sulk for a while anyway.
Yn: *thinks* True that! *takes out her phone*
Jk: YAAAH! Seriously Yn!?
Yn: *laughs and hugs him from the side* Then stop sulking now *pecks his cheek*
Hobi: Uwu.
Suga: *still confused* Okay, how exactly do you guys know each other in college? You are not even in the same field.
M: Oh thaaat-
Jimin: Wait, before you start you story. Yn, did you order?
Yn: *thinks* Kook, did you?
Jk: No. I didn't tell yours. *still sulking*
V: I ordered that, the one we decided to share.
Yn: Okay. I'll just add one more and come. *about to get up*
Jk: Don't mind it. I did already. *still sulking and looks away*
*Everybody in the room goes Awwwwww*
Yn: *chuckles* You know Jungkook handling Aria is easier. *teasing him*
Jk: *no response*
Yn: Okay. *takes his hand, from his crossed arms and holds it with both her hands* Now where were we
Jk: *smiles to himself*
Yn: So Mimi was already staying there from about a year I guess?
M: Yeah.
Yn: And so I was looking for a flat and we met then. But even though we were flatmates we barely talked for about a year, because of our unmatched schedules. But it was pleasant staying with each other.
M: Yeah, we minded our own business so everything was fine. One day Yn came back to me crying my eyes out in the living room, usually I'll be asleep by that time. That's when she comforted me and then we became even more close, although we talked on a regular basis before that, but not much. She agreed on helping me immediately which came as a shock to me.
Yn: Yeah, so we worked it out and became very very close after that.
M: Until one day, you just cut me off and here we are 3 years later.
Yn: *sighs* I'm glad we met again.
M: Me too. But Yn why did you cut us off?
Yn: I don't know. He never liked it if I had too many people around me.
V: That's weird.
RM: For a person who has no interest in you, he's way too possessive. Which doesn't actually fit in.
Yn: *thinks* Now that you are saying, I find it weird too.
Jk: Yeah, it's not like you would be hanging around for him with no hints for a year Yn.
Yn: *furrowing her brows* Do you think there is more to this?
Jk: *nods* Sadly, yes.
Yn: *looks at his disappointment* But it doesn't matter anyway. He made his choice later and I have made my choice now. *smiles at him, holding his hand tighter*
M: Yeah, and that's all matters.
Yn: Don't worry about it Kook. Even if there's more to it, I don't even care.
Jk: *nods and smiles* *suddenly* Oh I forgot, I'm angry on you.
Yn: *laughs* *sudden poker face* Do you want me to break your face?
Jk: *shook and looks at her with his doe eyes* N-no
Yn: *cold* Better stop sulking then.
Jk: *gulps* Y-yes. I mean okay.
*Everybody laughs*
Yn: *looks at them seriously* You guys think this is funny?
*Everybody shook*
Yn: *smiles* Just kidding.
Jimin: Her duality though!
M: Yn, *shook* that was scary. I have never seen you like that.
Jk: Okay to summarise, Yn broke Mr. Black's jaw once, hit him on his crotch and surrendered him to the police, many of the people in this room got scared atleast once that she'll break their face and last but not the least, each and every trainee of our company is scared of her.
M: *shook* W-wow. You did change a lot indeed.
Yn: *winks* Yes, I did.
M: Don't do that. That infamous wink of yours.
Jin: Hey! I'm the only person with infamous wink here okay?
Yn: *giggles*
M: I know oppa. *pecks his cheek*
M: Yn, I always wanted to ask. What happened to Luna?
Yn: Nothing. We went out a couple of times and that's it.
Jin: Who's Luna?
Yn: *scratching her nape* The only person I considered dating back in my college days.
RM: Oh so Luna is a guys name?
Yn: No.
*Everybody except Jk, Yn and Mi are shook*
Yn: Yeah. *shy but confident* I'm bi.
M: Yes. And keeping guys aside, there were girls hitting on her and this lady here, who is completely aware of that, just used to wink at them and walk away.
V: Just when I thought she couldn't get any cooler.
S: And with all of them you never dated once Yn?
Yn: *nods*
H: Waaaaah!
Jimin: You knew about this Jungkookah!
Jk: Yes. She told me the day we met.
Jimin: Wow.
Jk: What about Luna then?
Yn: Well, after going out a couple of times, it didn't feel like it would work. So we just let it be.
V: Aaaggghhh! *nods* But how do you know? That if a girl is interested in you.
Yn: I didn't know before, but you can sense it from their body language. And instincts of course, but they can go wrong too.
V: *still amazed* Did you come across anybody recently?
Yn: *nods* Yes.
Suga: *interested* Who who?
Yn: *smiles* I'd rather not say it. I'm not sure, it's just an instinct.
Jk: Now you understand why I'm jealous. I have to be cautious around girls even.
*Everybody laughs*
Yn: Don't worry, I have my eyes only on you. Golden Maknaessi.
Jk: They better be. *smirks*

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