The Coffin

106 7 3

Chase Lunsford, Jesse Davidson and Ofelia Morana have been eliminated.


Dell was thrown off, yeah, but she wasn't ever playing no games. Her back and her face make her feel like she was playing football. Even the sparks of sunrise which glance about feel like a barrage. She squints and shakes her head. Sparse cocoa curtains fall over her eyes to offer their pathetic protection. Her hat must be elsewhere. Her horse - she scans the brush before her as far as she dares turn her knotted neck - elsewhere. Dell thinks to remember what happened, trying to erode the stone which has suddenly formed inside of her. She only remembers the red and white flashing of eyes and raging sandstorms of phantoms. The stone only grows.

She clambers up with her forearms and knees. Tracks of dust highlight her dried-out skin like ash, scrapes and spigots of blood blend in. Not even the best of it brushes off.

It isn't as immediate as she would like, the turn towards the area where her neck would not allow her to look. In fact, it's rather sloshing. When it's finished, though, she wishes it had taken her eons. There is a shallow. A few shaky steps up to the ledge reveals a shallow pool filling the basin. Girlie lies there and elsewheres. Red rocks form around her like a coffin.

Dell falls first to her knees, and then to her side. Gravel gouges into her, but not nearly hard enough. She cries even though her tears are dry.  She doesn't want to move. The pain of jamming her hand between her hip and the jagged ground doesn't bother her, but the time it takes eventually leads her to roll over so she can pull out a cellular phone. Two shaky hands punch three numbers into the keypad. As it rings, Dell doesn't look anywhere other than forward. She doesn't care anymore.

"Help, I don't know what I've gotten myself into," is shuddered without a drop of drawl.


There's a lot of dust in Idle, it was only so long until somebody would bite it. Grab some tissues because someone has died. I hesitate to say that it is someone meaningful to your resident, but the death has to be meaningful to them. Maybe it's the guilt of an enemy dispatched, the shock of an innocent snuffed, or maybe it's the heartbreak of a loved one lost. This entry is not about their death. It is about your resident's reaction to it. In this entry, I'm looking for an emotional punch, where whichever emotion you choose to portray is powerful, and permeates more than just the words on the page.


3500 words.


The 3 lowest scores for this task will be up for votes. Of those, 2 will be eliminated.


Friday, July 16th, 10:00 PM EST

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