Wanted Poster

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There is something off about Idle. Some of the people are unlike the ones you meet anywhere else. Just a wisp of whimsy. If there is any structure to it, none of the residents are clever enough to have figured it out. Although the people of the town are able to keep up appearances for visitors, it is unspoken knowledge that everyone in Idle has a neighbor, a customer, a boss, or a worker who are not what they seem.

This is a story of a town and its people. From the dirt road they call Main Street, to the sheds on the edge of town, set painstakingly into the stone-solid earth. This story is what you make it.  



Name: What is your character's name? 

Age: What is your character's age? All ages are accepted.

Gender: What is your character's gender?

Appearance: What do they look like? This can also include the type of clothes they often wear, or any important accessories. If you want to, you can include an image link in this section but it is not required.

Personality: What are they like? I'd like to encourage a mix of "heroes" and "villains" (to crudely simplify it) to be submitted and will take this spot to ensure that the task prompts will not be geared towards any one type of character. I will take great care to keep them open enough to hopefully not infringe on any arc which you wish to write. 

History: What has happened to them, what have they done? This is also a good place to talk about any other important people in their lives if there is such a thing. 

Activity: What do they do? What makes up a typical day for your character. This is a good place to mention their profession if applicable, their place in Idle, and what their goals in life are. 

Oddity: It's all up to you. You could be a creature or some sort of magician as long as it's subtle enough to pass unnoticed by the tourists which visit this town. This is where you can give your character traits beyond the realm of human capabilities. Whether they be powers, weaknesses, or simply, well, oddities. Your imagination is the limit. If your character is a normal human being, put "none" here. That is completely okay and I would love to have some normal people in these games, because, in a town like Idle, they can be the most extraordinary people out there. 


There will be a simplified version of the form posted in the comments for copy/pasting. Reservations will open on Sunday, May 16th 9:00 PM EST. A new chapter will be posted then where you will be able to reserve your spot. In the meantime, I am happy to answer any questions you have about the competition or character ideas. Can't wait to see what y'all come up with. 

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