Resident 6: Florian Red (GWVallejo)

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Who are we speaking to, sir?

This is Florian...hasn't it always been just me?

Name: Florian Red and iSaac

Age: 25 (but iSaac is still new...still new to me.)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Florian Red defies the crimson colors his name suggests, rather carrying a head of sandy hair and the murkiest of blue eyes. There's a sadness to him, a grasp of the dying and the unloved; he's somber, with dragging glances and skin more sullen than clear. He's pale and plain, never looked at twice, never seen as something beyond a man, never wanted, and never wanting.

iSaac, however, was created to be beautiful. He appears to be everything—both traditional and unique—with hair softer than the water he was born from, skin untouched (unkissed, sun-kissed, pretty), and lips so rose it makes Florian giddy sometimes. iSaac is tan and tall, black hair like feathers and quills, eyes colored with bleeding moss, shredded vines. There's a sadness to him too, but it's emptier. There's something unwhole about him. Unnatural life has made him darken, leaving behind a veneer of which Florian's gaze is stuck.

We received a call about a disturbance at your residence, from this number. Can you confirm?

No, no, no, Nobody called. It's just me here. It's just me here. It's just me me me

Hang up the phone, Florian.

Personality: Florian is quiet, a man so trapped in his thoughts that speaking has become troublesome. He sincerely believes nothing he says is worth listening to, as if his words have all been said before, these feelings felt, these timelines already experienced. But he loves hearing about others—the gossip of the town is his and iSaac's fuel, often spending an entire afternoon discussing the latest feuds. Maybe he likes being judgemental, preferring to think about anyone and anything that's not his own sorry life; maybe he's a voyeur at heart, a stalker in the mind, a shadow not meant to be uncovered. But maybe he's normal too, ever considered it?

History: Florian was tired of being alone. When he moved away from Missouri, he didn't think the town of Idle would be so...idle. Boredom captured him immediately, the desert not exactly the greatest place for a man that burns so easily, that's so self-conscious when outside. He's gone many years without making any friends, and even his neighbors (talking about me, they're talking about me) look elsewhere when he grabs his groceries from the front porch on Tuesday mornings. He cooks twice a day and bathes as soon as the sun goes down. All of the curtains in his home are drawn shut, windows locked three times over, the peephole on his front door covered in lime green duct tape. He doesn't remember if he's keeping outsiders away or locking himself inside anymore; all he knows is isolation and the flickering lamplight of bulbs he should've changed two weeks ago.

Then, he bought iSaac. A newer model, Florian didn't trust the idea that a human mind could be created from nothing, but as iSaac began to learn and grow and trust and love!, it all became so easy. So simple. Florian never thought he'd love, or be loved, or crave either one, but he's been in Idle for a long time now. Anything can happen.

I think I'm going outside today.

Can't. Door's locked.

Oh. Did I lock it?

Of course you did.

Activity: In Missouri, Florian's mother opened and ran a flower shop when he was three years old. His entire house was covered in so much color, tulips on the dining room table, orchids in the baths, sunflowers grown to cover every inch of the backyard. Maybe she had no customers, and his father made enough money in the military to support the family and her struggling business, or maybe she grew that much because demand was so high that the basement of the flower shop across town couldn't possibly hold that much. He doesn't remember anything besides the roses and the thorns, the way just the name of snapdragons made them his favorite and it had nothing to do with their look.

When he moved, he bought and opened his own flower shop. It's been a couple weeks since he's opened it, though. He wonders if the flowers are still alive.

Oddity: Unfortunately, Florian is likely to be the most average person in Idle, if not a little boring, a bit of a shut-in. But iSaac is quite the stranger, an unknown in this town. He hasn't met anyone yet, but then how does he know exactly who you are?

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