Resident 15: Canary (LightOfTheMooneh)

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Name: Canary. That's all he ever goes by. He hasn't ever mentioned his real name—maybe when this is all over, he'll tell me.

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Is it weird that I can't remember? It's so forgettable—so ordinary. Then again, it's reasonable for my ghostwriter who always hides in the shadows behind me to never show his true face. If he were handsome, maybe he would take my place—people like to follow a pretty guy.

Personality: Sometimes, I think his dreams of freedom are grander than mine. Sometimes, I wonder what lengths he's willing to go to.

History: Idle? What's that? We're from Busy. Busy, Arizona. Will the Enforcers be getting this information? I really can't tell you more—got to keep my guy safe, okay? I'll tell you this, though: I haven't seen him in a while. None of my boys have gotten a lead on his location. It's like he isn't in Busy at all anymore. I hope he's still alive. We need him.

Activity: Writer. Of course, he's a hell of a lot more than that—you have to be in times like these. But I think all he wants is to be a writer. When this is over, I think that's all he'll be.

Oddity: Does having an uncanny ability to survive in the midst of the most dangerous situations count? I don't think he's all that odd, really. Also, what's with this Idle you keep mentioning? If it's a place, why haven't I ever heard of it? I think you are the odd one here

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