The Pistol

127 10 4

Hugh Man Guy, Joe Vaccaro, and Canary have been eliminated.


Something which could have been a scorpion skittered over there. Dell isn't sure, but it looked dangerous. "That thing to our left didn't have fur right? Or am I just going crazy?" Girlie slows for a second before sending a wave into her mane. Dell can hardly see the answer, but she can feel it fine. She takes a couple bites out of her cheek before settling back down onto her horse. The two blend together like cinnamon into coffee. Only Dell's Stetson breaks through the silhouette of a lone horse about the moonlight and the flashlight. It makes Girlie look like a humpback.

The flashlight is strung up in Girlie's lead less successfully than Dell wanted it to be, and still less successfully than Girlie expected it to be. It swings uncontrollably and the beam of light it throws out bounces from brush to brush, blinding whatever lives inside. There is an entire ecosystem - never seen before - which is revealed by these means. Every sawfly every god-forsaken aphid has their eyes turned into bulbs of dirty white light as they fly by. More bugs than Dell would yesterday have guessed the entire state could hold have flown by. And they all have its eyes.  

They barrage her as she ducks into her horse so they can not nip at her flesh. Only Dell's eyes surface from the torrent of hair which flows downs Girlie's neck. Light is flashing each way. When Girlie squints to one side the flashlight is sent swinging to the other. All she can see is the darkness. Dell is blinded by the light. Eyes fly all over, always closer and closer. As they approach, they explode like lightbulbs being trodden on. The eyes she didn't realize were the ones she was looking for sound off like a pistol. 


Your stranger is back. For how long is up to you. In this task, you must engage in a physical altercation with your stranger. If you failed to introduce a stranger in Task 2, you have taken that hit already, so feel free to write yourself a new stranger to complete this task. Otherwise, it should be the same stranger that your resident has encountered before. You can leave your stranger in any state you desire at the end of this entry, not just Arizona. I kid I kid. But you can leave them injured, bleeding, dead, or in tip-top shape. You can include your stranger in future entries but you do not need to. We do not need them anymore. The focus of this entry is on action and action scenes. I'm looking for tension, stakes, and good pacing. Now fight!


3000 words.


The 5 lowest scores for this task will be up for votes. Of those, 3 will be eliminated.


Tuesday, July 6th, 10:00 PM EST

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