The messed up evening

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He got out of the shop bowing to them for their service and went down the lane walking towards his home.

He plugged on his earphones and started listening to his favourite song as he strolled through the park with a calming sigh while he glanced at the lockscreen.

~"This song and that photo never fails to calm me down"~

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~"This song and that photo never fails to calm me down"~

Little did he know that this song was sung by the person who he hates the most right now.

Monday, 10:45 PM

After the simple dinner he had, Jungkook was currently sitting at his desk in his room turning on his laptop to review and check the photos that were took today. All of the photographers who was in charge of the photoshoot, used to get a copy for the review work. They had to note down where to edit and to fix and then edited it from the studio in their company. This way all the photographers can pipe in and work in unison.
Jungkook plugged in the USB containing the photos. He was holding his notepad and a pen to note down the fixes. He opened the first photo for reviewing and felt anger build up inside as he saw Taehyung's face first.

"What a jerk", he mumbled. Then he looked at the person next to him, seeing Jimin smiling at the camera. Suddenly a wave of guilt surged through Jungkook's mind while the scenes flashed through his mind between him and Jimin about 3 hours ago. He quickly grabbed his phone and calling the contact named 'MOCHI HYUNG'.

A good 20 seconds of rang in ear as he was tapping his feet on the ground debating whether Jimin would pick up his call. Suddenly he heard the other line pick up. Without even greeting Jimin, Jungkook blurted out.

JK: Hyung....Hyung....I'm so sorry. I am really very sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. I was just so angry at that time, I am sorry what I said. I shouldn't have said that.
JK: Hyung?! Hello...Jimin Hyung??
JK: Hyung!! Please. I know you are there. I can hear you breathe. Hyung please. I'm so sorry. I....I....
JM: Hmmm....its fine. Jungkookie. I wasn't angry at you. I was very sad when you told me not to call you Kookie.
JK: Hyung. I'm sorry. When that brat just teased me I just lost it. The only person who calls me Kookie in that entire company is you. So, I got angry that he got to hear it from you. I never meant to hurt your feelings.
JM: Its fine. Kookie. Really...I'm okay. I'm so happy that you called. Hyung is happy!!
JK: Ahhh....Thank you hyung. I'm relieved.
JM: Haha...Okay then. I'll get to bed. Gotta leave early morning. Its outdoor photoshoot tomorrow. You rest too, Jungkookie.
JK: Not yet Hyung. Gotta do a review of today's photos. Plus. I gotta leave early tomorrow since I have to go to Jin Hyung's Birthday party in the evening.
JM: WHATTTT?! Its Jin Hyung's birthday tomorrow. Yahhhh!!! Jeon Jungkook!! You didn't even have the decency to tell me about that. Where the heck am I gonna find a gift now?
JK: haha....Hyung...I forgot that too until I saw Joon Hyung's message. Thats why I was in a rush and had to literally run into that Jerk of a Taehyung.
JM: ohhhh...I see. Okay Then. Let me see if I can find something online. Jin hyung is gonna kill me for putting up a last minute gift.
JK: Okay. Hyung. Good night!!
JM: Good night Kookie!!!

As the call ended Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and focused back on the reviewing and tsking whenever he saw Taehyung's face showed up on his screen. Also reminding himself to call Jin Hyung on 12 am to wish him a happy birthday.

Annyeonghaseyo, everyone!!
Hope you are doing well.
I was sick recently so I didn't get to write that much.
I'll make it up for you surely soon. don't worry. A lot of people are loving the story and I am so happy to see that. I won't disappoint you and I promise that I will update it whenever I get time.
Thank you all so much for voting and supporting!!
🧸Love you all🧸


Sorry for the spelling mistakes and errors. Will edit soon.😊

CAMERA [TAEKOOK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora