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        She accomplished what I couldn't do, but I've been far used to where I am to care about going home. She walked past us, walking up to her throne and settled herself in nicely. The Empress, Han Ying Yue, the mere concubine who was always targeted by the late empress, sat confidently with her hair done up. She was beautiful.

       "Warm blessings to the Empress!" we would say in unison, and she gave all of us gentle looks because she was never submerged in envy.

       I remember once she thanked me. It was after the morning assembly, and when I was to leave, she called me over. Her eyes were light and warm. Whenever it was towards someone she didn't like, I could see the contrast in her eyes.

      After Madame Chang Ying died, I had noticed she was very out of it. 

      The Empress adjusted her headpiece as she stepped down towards me. Her red hanfu with gold embroideries wrapped around her body snugly. At the back of her attire, it dragged across the steps.

       "I want to thank you for being kind to me, ever since," she said. "This was after the Cold Palace, and you were still friendly to me... There was a lot of judgement during the banquet. I could feel it."

        I remembered. I almost laughed at how stupid I sounded, but I always did want to befriend her. Roasted duck? Come on. It was weird to start a small talk of roasted duck, but she didn't seem to mind. I didn't even know she remembered that.

       That might be more embarrassing on my end.

       Slowly, I bowed and smiled at her. "Your Majesty, you do not need to thank me. You and I have never had issues in the past... I should thank you for not troubling me as well."

       She raised an eyebrow. "That's very kind that you'd thank me for that... You can head off now."

       "I shall take my leave then, Empress," I took another deep bow and turned around to head off. 

      The Empress must have been through a lot to thank me for such a minor act. I never kept up with the palace rumours or the gossip... neither did I want to. But all I knew was that Han Ying Yue would leave ancient China. She entered His Majesty's palace early, and she headed her way back to her palace. Hua Yang and Su Yin were there, even the head chef. 

       Her lady-in-waiting's mother, that she begged the Emperor to let in the palace, entered her palace as well. She would say goodbye to them and she'd leave... I wonder if she told them about the modern world she lived in. 

      I hesitated to speak about it to the Empress. So, I didn't. I watched from afar. Years ago, I desired to leave this world. I was just a low-ranking concubine when I entered. Before arrival, I tried to take my own life in a small apartment that I rented to flee from my mother's abuse.

       I woke up here and I ended up enjoying every second.

      However, I can't deny that I've thought about going back. Those thoughts never lasted. There was nothing left for me back in my modern world. When I did have a phase of panic, I had read a book in the Imperial library about the recipe, and I tried my best to get my ranks up. I couldn't. I am still a consort, and I always will be. Han Ying Yue has done something I couldn't do.

      Was I mad? No. Now, if she offered to bring me along with her, I would refuse. I was satisfied with living here because I spent most of my days in meditation. I always enjoyed the simplicity of life and the ancient world. During the day, I'd write a few books about my world, and one day, I'd give it to the Emperor as a gift. But for now, I stay in peace and silence. 

      I waited for her to inform His Majesty first... I was too shy and too afraid and Ying Yue had the courage that I didn't have. After she confessed, I would wait a while to confess as well. 

      Han Ying Yue was powerful. I knew it the minute she walked into the harem. She stood up for herself and I was fascinated at her character. It didn't shock me that she took down the late empress.

      She didn't know my name, nor my story. Neither did I want to tell her. But what I could say was, she has already made history.

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