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"I am going to miss you so much," Lei Shu sobbed, burying her face in her daughter's chest. ""Please be careful. Hua Er, you are a very selfish girl to leaveyour mother like this. Of course, I can live with the salary you receive, but thatwill never compare to having you in front of me. I love you so much..."

"Thank you for accepting my wishes, mother. I love you too, I have to go now," Hua Er responded as she pulled away from the embrace. She took her mother's hand and held it.

I walked a bit further, leaving them alone to say their goodbyes. I felt many emotions rushing through my body, it was really overwhelming. I was anxious to face the Emperor but excited to go back home. I really wish I had my phone...

When we arrived, the guards ushered us in a certain format, a double-file line. It wasn't a big crowd of girls as I thought it would be, I guess the Emperor isn't sexually aroused this time of the month. One thing I understood, was that I would be the black sheep—not considering the fact that I was centuries ahead of them, but the fact that I was the only girl dressed like a peasant, in the sea of all these girls born into wealthier households. I could not compare. Not all of us could make it, this, I know.

The main palace was spacious. It was well built, and if I only had my phone with me, I would've taken some gorgeous pictures. The first thing I saw when I walked in, was red. Red everywhere. I don't know why I thought that was relevant to me at the time, but it was like a big warning sign to me. Red meant danger, seduction, violence, love, anger, and much more that can make someone laugh or cry. I didn't know how to feel about that much colour in a place like this, but I couldn't repaint the walls with white.

Besides, red is my favourite colour.

The walk was pretty silent except for my small sentences of fascination. A tall, elderly eunuch had already lectured us about the palace rules, while an older woman who I assumed would be a maid, gave us another boring lecture. Hua Er attempted to calm me down but I was still nervous. I think I was shaking as well.

We stopped walking and waited for the Emperor and the Empress to call us in. It was a wide hallway and all of us could fit in it. Hua Er had told me to follow what the other 'future concubines' do, as she couldn't be able to babysit me and whisper to me on what to respond with.

"Send in the girls to seek audience!" a eunuch ordered.

We all walked in an orderly fashion, but I was shaking underneath my flowy hanfu. The only thing on my mind was a question, which was 'what did I get myself into?' My heart was pounding rapidly, my hands were getting clammy, and my breaths were abnormal. I gave Hua Er one last look before kneeling down.

We kowtowed to the Emperor, and I followed what everyone else was saying. "Great blessings to the Emperor and the Empress."

Never in a million years, would I expect myself to be doing all of this. I would've hated to suck up to a couple of people who were probably doing war crimes and executing their maids for simply accidentally tripping, and not to mention, mock the ones who are less fortunate than them.

Hopefully, this Emperor Xue is not a tyrant, and we can get along just fine.

"You may all rise," the Emperor said, observing all of us with a grim expression. Although he looked a little bit strict like he has never laughed for days, he is a little bit attractive. Unfortunately, I'm not here to look for love. I pretended to not notice his lingering stare at me. It was because of my outfit, wasn't it? I knew it. He'll probably assume that I came as an insult—as a revolutionary statement.

The Empress was also eyeing me, and so were the maids around her. I'm going to be a laughing stock in this room. It was also weird to me that the Emperor was involved in concubine selection. I've heard only the Empress was involved.

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