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        As someone who's lived in the twenty-first century for their whole life until now, it gets a bit unnerving to witness a real-life assassination. I claim this place, ancient China, as a reality. The air, the food, the different faces, the mannerisms, they're too realistic for me to think that I'm in a coma. I wasn't alive to witness the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, or Archduke Franz Ferdinand, or John F. Kennedy. But the failed attempt of the assassination that I just witnessed, sparked a fascination yet a fright inside of me.

         There was an abundance of historical pieces and scenarios here that I—if I wasn't stuck here—would be excited about. I've been privileged to be stuck here, ironically. Every day I watched incense sticks burn, slowly shortening every single minute. I've spent so much time and energy staring at the sticks, longing for my escape, that I forget to ease myself into a journey.

        'In the middle of a catastrophe, cherish it' was written on a large scroll. I gave myself a satisfied smile before dropping my ink brush.

        "Milady, your calligraphy has truly improved!" my youngest maid complimented. I felt her presence behind me.

        I placed two stones at each side of the scroll before tidying up my table. "Thank you."

         "A-And... I also want to say that," the maid stumbled upon her words and paused for a while. "That was sly of you..."

        "What was?" I questioned. I hid my smirk.

        My maid ogled the floor, avoiding any eye contact with me whatsoever. "When you brought up Niu Lin's punishment, milady."

         "I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, chuckling as I did so. "We both know that all I did was try to be fair to Niu Lin, but His Majesty got mad instead. It's late now, you should leave."

        "Yes, milady," she bowed. "I've learned a lesson about benevolence, due to you. Every day when I am with you, I learn more and more wisdom, and how to deal with life. I apologize for my rambling. I shall take my leave now."

         I looked up at her and nodded with a smile. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."

        Hua Er was already sound asleep on the lower bed. No obnoxious snoring coming out of her mouth. 

          Peace and quiet alas, in my own chamber. It felt eerie but calm. I was alone with my thoughts, finally. With so many things happening during this week, I felt like a tangled pair of earphones. Although I had goosebumps from the slight chilliness in my chamber because of the slightly opened window, owls were hooting outside, presenting me with a feeling of a serene blanket around me. I usually never feel cold with the one window in my chamber. This was a clear sign that the weather was starting to get colder. Winter was approaching and I could almost taste the snowflakes on my tongue. I was excited for winter in ancient China, but upset that I had to stay another month. I felt colder because the silk material of my hanfu rubbed against my bare skin. I couldn't change into something warmer because the men who were in charge of the actress expected me to interrogate her soon. I had to look unprepared and in my 'nightgown'.

        As I dipped my brush into the small bottle, coating the tip of the brush with black ink, a eunuch entered my chamber. He kneeled and kept his head down. "Lady Ying Yue, I apologize for disturbing your peace, but the Emperor needs to see you." 

        "Of course," I exhaled forcefully. "I'm still in my nightgown, though."

        "Please follow me, milady," he says, getting up hastily. 

         We awkwardly walked side by side. I kept my distance, and he kept his, but I was really hoping he would start up a conversation. I continued to look straight ahead, trying to pay attention to where we were heading. My silk nightgown continued to rub my bare skin, sending shivers everywhere. I could feel my nipples hardening.

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