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        The thoughts of people coming after me were still chasing after my positive thinking. Every time I left my palace, I would have to look out for myself. At night, after the incident, it was difficult for me to sleep. 

          Memories of the assassins breaking into the Empress Dowager's chamber terrified me. I didn't want that to happen to me.

         Hua Yang was sitting across from me. We enjoyed each other's company, as always, and this was the first time I was in her estate. She held the teacup in her hand with grace, worriedly watching me as I was stilled.

        "Empress, you're going to be fine," Hua Yang searched for something in my eyes but I don't think she found it. "You can rest assured that His Majesty will be able to investigate this safely."

         I smiled. "I didn't think it would be this stressful for me."

        "It is," Hua Yang never sugar-coated things. She took a long sip of her tea and gently placed it down. "Now, as a friend, I am here for you."

         "Thank you." I took my teacup in my hand. 

         Hua Yang was kind enough to visit me at night. I know I couldn't be able to sleep at night if these thoughts continued to surface. Now, it was harder for me to fall asleep.

         Dragon stayed on my lap; she tried her best to fall asleep. I rested the palm of my hand on her back. The Emperor was kind enough to gift me a pet, but he forgot that a pet was hard to take care of. I felt bad for my maids who were mostly taking care of Dragon as well. They spent more time and effort taking care of Dragon than taking care of me.

        A quick burst of movement from my eunuch caught the attention of Hua Yang and me. Next to him, was a woman I've never seen before. She wasn't a concubine. She was a maid. They both bowed when they reached us. "Warm blessings to Your Majesty, greetings to Your Highness."

        "At ease," I gently lifted Dragon up from my lap and handed her to Snoopy. She opened her arms and took Dragon away. After Li Shu and the maid straightened themselves up, I noticed the worry on their faces. "What seems to be the problem?"

          "Your Majesty, Consort Zhang has committed suicide!" Li Shu exclaimed. His eyebrows slanted upwards as he tried his best to look at me. The maid must have been Consort Zhang's maid.

          The thought of another death in the harem made me wince. Hua Yang noticed my sudden discomfort. Another concubine died a while back from suicide as well... Guan Shu had also died from 'suicide' which was not deemed to be true. It wasn't only traumatic for me, it hurt me.

          My breaths were starting to quicken as I stood up from my chair. Hua Yang followed suit, still watching me with concern. I almost lost my balance when I stood up.

         The maid looked at me frantically. "Your Majesty... I—We didn't mean to..."

          Guan Shu's body hanging in the silk fabric crossed my mind. I wanted to erase that memory. She died for nothing. At least she reunited with Rong Er... but she didn't have to die that way.

        "Take me to Consort Zhang's chamber." I looked directly at Li Shu. 

         Hua Yang quickly shook her head and took my hand. "Empress, do you truly want to... go? Your past maid... I don't—"

          "It's my duty as the exalted head of the harem to care and manage the harem. I cannot make any excuses," I faced Hua Yang, speaking in a solemn tone. My lips formed into a slight curl. "Thank you for your concern."

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