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        "Imperial Concubine Han will receive three hundred taels of silver, three bolts of brocade, five bolts of silk, and a pair of gold earrings," the Empress declared, her voice booming, loud enough for everyone to hear.

        I respectfully kneeled, and unintentionally smiled from ear to ear. In this place, I felt like a hero, like I was brought here to correct it. Was I selfish and self-absorbed to say this? Perhaps. But I felt honoured to be on my knees receiving materialistic awards. As I listened to the Emperor's speech, I gave Jaxon a kind look. His dimple appeared when he beamed at me. He thrust a thumbs up.

        It's funny how I've been in this hall frequently. It brought a certain type of attention and I loved it.

        "It shocked me but seeing you defend yourself, I was intrigued," the Emperor began. "I've been fooled. Perhaps I thought you were a delicate flower in a garden, but you were a unique flower that could never be harmed no matter how much the wind blows. If you were a male, I could have possibly made you my Imperial guard."

        I cocked my eyebrow. "I can be a female Imperial guard, can't I, Your Majesty?"

        "Women aren't supposed to be Imperial guards." another guard uttered. I saw his enraged glare at me from the corner of my eye. I'm sorry I was the one who saved the Emperor, better luck next time, pal.

        "You can change history with that, Your Majesty," I stood up bravely. I narrowed my eyes and pressed my lips together. "Women can do things men can! Men and women are not the same, however, we deserve to be equal. Although I am your Noble Consort, I refuse to let—"

        "Enough," the Emperor said, quite calmly, and waved his hand in front of him.

        I kneeled frantically. My palms whitened due to the pressure of them leaning into the ground. "Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I was just standing up to my beliefs!"

        He closed his eyes as he leaned back on his throne. He looked rather calm. There was pin-drop silence in the room. Everyone had their eyes open. They refused to miss a dialogue between the Emperor and me. Here, everyone loves drama. The Emperor took a deep breath and slowly released his stress build-up. "This is new information I obtained today," he spoke with power, puffing up his chest with a proper king-like posture. "I will look into your suggestion. There aren't any women that would want this role—not that I am aware of. You may be the first, but I am too selfish to have you as my royal guard... You came into the harem and you will stay in the harem."

        "I ask for forgiveness from Your Majesty," I kowtowed. "It was rude of me to sound as if I was more knowledgable than you. If that is your wish, I will gladly oblige."

        "Please get up, there is nothing for me to forgive," he motioned for me to rise. There was just a tiny hint of a smile on his face, but not so much for anyone from afar to notice. "There are new ideas every day, it is up to me to keep up with them. You made me understand that there are suggestions not only my advisor can provide for me. Your future suggestions will be considered and I will filter out what does not serve our nation. In this case, women are weaker than men, by default biologically, however, does that mean they cannot do the things men can do? Hm... The answer is more complicated than that. Women are delicate, dainty things that deserve to be protected and provided for. Can they protect and provide for themselves? I've never seen it. Does it mean it is not possible? No. Anything can be possible. Ying Yue, I will take your suggestion into consideration."

        When the Emperor finished, the room was awfully quiet.

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