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        "How is... she?" I asked my eunuch.

        I wrapped myself tightly with the blanket. It was starting to get chillier by each day and summer was over. Early in the morning, the strong winds were loud but sounded calming to my ears. 

       Dragon was still on my mind. She could be a mediocre cat in someone else's mind, but she was a friend to me. Even when she did misbehave, I still adored her. 

        Li Shu bowed. "The cat is doing fine, Your Majesty."

       The same head physician before walked in and held Dragon in his arms. She was drowsy but awake. My heart was pounding when I had her weight in my arms. Her soft fur rubbed against my skin. How I missed her.

        "Thank you," I looked up at the physician with a grateful smile. "I shall reward you and the physicians that worked on Dragon handsomely. I appreciate the hard work."

        He widened his eyes and bowed. "T-Thank you, Empress. It is very kind of you."

       After they left, my maids helped me dress. We stayed silent throughout most of it. Even Hua Er didn't speak a single word. She was busy playing with Dragon.

        However, I was glad that they were quiet. I should be used to what had happened yesterday but it's always still a shock to me. To even cross a line by bringing Jaxon into it... was very displeasing to me. 

        I saw him when I left the Emperor's chamber. After I spoke with the Emperor at night, I left and saw him in the other room. We gave each other a slight nod and I left for my estate. He didn't talk to me, nor did he want to, I suppose.

        Jaxon could take his time. I didn't want to disturb nor rush him. I know I should've talked to him. It should've been me to apologize, yet I was still disappointed with him. I'm doing the best I can right now. I want to forgive Jaxon, I do. But there's still a little bit of resentment in me because I can't believe he spoke those words to me.

        I tried my best. I tried my best to live here and I think I did great. I am successful as the Empress. 

        When my maids were almost done, I noticed the expression on my head maid's face. Discomfort. I knew why. The slap was unexpected, but she did get off very easily. I could've disposed of her because I could've died.

        Not being able to see my family and friends with all the things I've been through... that thought made me shudder.

        "About yesterday," I looked at the head maid from the mirror. She looked back at me, silently. "I apologize."

        My head maid shook her head and smiled. "You shouldn't, Empress. I deserved way worse. I should be thanking you for sparing my life."

        "I know," I responded. She continued with my hair. "But if you learned from it, I want to move forward... I don't want to die. I want to live."

        "Yes... It was wrong of me. I'm going to do the best I can, Your Majesty," she paused. In one of her hands, she held my larger headpiece. "I'm going to make it up to you."

        She wouldn't have the opportunity to, anyway. I would leave soon. It was the thought that counts. At least she had the desire to make it up to me, or carry on this kindness to someone else. Truly, I hated deceiving people. I didn't want to refrain from telling them that my stay here wasn't permanent.

        Dragon climbed up my lap and curled herself into a ball. I didn't want to stand up. She almost died and I wanted to bond with her. God, I was pathetic. An empress should not be a crazy cat lady. That would be bad for my reputation.

The Empress Wears GucciOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora