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        A day after, there was still no contact with Jaxon. I wasn't fairly angry at him but upset that he didn't come around to talk to me. I have finally processed what he said to me. 

        They were planning a rebellion. Very soon, I would be in danger and I needed to know when and where. But I couldn't. Jaxon was the one who could contact me, it would be harder for me to seek him. Maybe he was waiting for me to make the first move? 

       No. I had better things to do.

       I watched myself in the mirror as my maids did my hair. They chattered and talked amongst themselves while I listened and reacted. I was grateful that they respected my space and never tried to speak to me when I didn't feel like talking. Only when they talked, was when I realised that ten people were almost always surrounding me.

        "Your Majesty," Fen Ai dipped her head after my maids had finished with my appearance. "I have a theatre performance at the banquet today."

       "Take care," I smiled. 

       I rose from my chair and looked at myself in the mirror one last time. 

       I made my way to the main hall in the harem. The concubines were expecting me soon, and I didn't want them to wait for me for too long. I sat in thought during my ride there. Four women were pregnant now. 

        Niu Lin was pregnant. This could've been the reason why she had turned into an introvert. I felt things were more peaceful when I was running the harem. It wasn't perfect, but Niu Lin wasn't poisoned yet. She was previously the gossiper and the bully so I expected them to harm her. 

        I wouldn't let them anyway. Under my eunuchs' surveillance, it wouldn't happen.

       Rain poured on the roof of the sedan chair. The weather was gloomy today but it wasn't windy. It's been two weeks since it rained. During that time, I did find myself being concerned for the farmers. Agricultural is a common job for the peasants.

        "Her Majesty has arrived!" Li Shu announced beside me.

        The doors opened and I walked in slowly. Quickly, they took a few steps back to form a path for me to walk through. All, dipped their heads to bow. I took a few steps up to my throne and settled myself comfortably.

        I leaned back. They knelt, all synchronized with each other, and bowed. "Warm blessings to the Empress!"

        "All rise." 

        "Thank you, Empress."

        I watched as they lifted their heads off the ground. As I waited for them to settle, I scanned all of them. Hua Fa wasn't here today. She usually attended to make things less suspicious, but she wasn't here. She could be busy or had to do something, but I was slightly concerned.

        My eunuchs didn't inform me, but neither did I ask. It was better off not mentioned just in case. I looked over to them. "Provide chairs for the four pregnant women."

        "Yes, Your Majesty," they bowed and hastily started placing the chairs in proper positions.

        The room smelled like hot brewed tea, a scent I will forever enjoy even if it was almost oxygen to me. My mind was empty while sitting here. Maids around us were quiet, but almost all the concubines wanted to say something.

         I wanted to talk about the weather, just small talk to stir things up. Usually, I'd let the concubines speak, and I reply, but I needed more distraction from the things going on in my head. The tranquillity of the small drops tapping against the roof over our heads had eased me.

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