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         I don't think things through, exactly. I let myself go with the flow and let my instincts and feelings take me to my destination. Rationality is important but sometimes, going with the motion of life or doing the first thing that comes to mind is the best solution to a problem. People call it 'reckless' but I prefer the term 'carefree'.  Either way, it served a purpose. It's not wrong to speak your mind—especially when it'll hurt you if you don't. 

        I stood at the far side of the court, staring at the Emperor and his councillors from afar. I don't think I was supposed to be here, but the men didn't stare at me as much as before. This was the second time the Emperor had invited me, omitting the idea that women shouldn't be involved in state affairs. I wasn't involved. I watched from afar. They kneeled at court, on the sidelines so the middle of the hall was empty. Although not many were acknowledging me as much as before, I still felt uneasy. The Emperor was speaking about the turmoil in various villages and spoke about the struggle of having to leave his palace to go on long trips. A councillor proceeded to step forward to the aisle to give his opinion but the Emperor raised the palm of his hand quickly.

          "But there is a solution," he said with a glint in his eyes, "from now on, every year we will conduct various information from households nationwide. I will send out messengers to collect the completed papers. All my advisors will analyze the information and I will bring it up during morning assemblies to discuss."

         The councillors bobbed their head, obviously impressed. 

        The Emperor continued, "And there is a system I want to push—a system where other citizens can write to us and whoever they wish. It may take a while to get the information to the destinations but that means it will create more jobs and also give us outside knowledge. Does everyone agree with this procedure?"

         "Yes, Your Majesty." They all chimed in.

         He looked attractive sitting on the throne with a stoic expression on his face. His court outfit made him look powerful. A black mianfu with golden embroideries, it was a well-made attire, properly done. The Emperor meant business and it sure looked like it. He leaned back against his throne and nodded once to indicate that the plan will be executed. The action was simple, but it cast a spell on me. I hope the guards don't turn to look at me, I already feel my cheeks warming. 

         A councillor set himself on the aisle, holding a scroll in his hand. "Your Majesty, if I may ask, how did you come up with this brilliant idea?"

        There was a slight fidget under his sleeve. His hand was moving underneath his wide sleeves, discreetly but failing as I could see it clearly.  The Emperor cleared his throat when the advisor exchanged eye contact with him. I waited for them to say my name. I immediately straightened my back. I wasn't going to have them call me with a hunch bank. A high-ranking woman in the harem must have perfect posture, but sometimes I get a little hunched. It was time to shine. 

         My time to shine. 

        A Noble Consort invented such a practical idea, that it could work out in their favour; something that was useful, innovative, even though I stole this idea from who knows when they invented the mail system. My heart was racing. I tried to hide a bright smile on my face but it was difficult to. My teeth were grinding against the insides of my cheeks. I took a deep breath and exhaled when the Emperor opened his mouth to speak. Already, my hands were shaking. I don't think anyone could see. I don't think anyone knew how excited I was. 

        "My trusted, main advisor, Cao Shen," the Emperor announced, with hesitation but masked it with a strong voice that illuminated the room, "had the intelligence to think of such an idea!"

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