Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Start from the beginning

"Now!" Bilbo pulled down on the lever, but couldn't quite pull it down all the way. Y/n mentally kicked herself before helping him pull down the lever, which doused Smaug with water. Seconds later, gold began to pass through crevices in the floor, earning Y/n's attention. She gazed down at the gold as Smaug ran into the wall where Y/n and Bilbo were, causing it to collapse. Y/n hovered in midair before lowering herself to the ground. Both her and Smaug raced after Bilbo, eventually ending up in an empty room where silence filled the room. Smaug burst through the wall, for he was too large to fit through the doorway and growled.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Y/n said in a sing song voice as she walked through the room.

"You think you can deceive me, barrel rider? You have come from Lake-town. This is some sordid scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable trading lakemen. Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows. Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." Smaug made his way to the doors with the intent of leaving, but stopped once he heard the hobbit's voice.

"This isn’t their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Lake-town!" Bilbo yelled. Smaug turned his head, snaking towards Bilbo as Y/n went around the pillars, searching for the dwarves that were hiding somewhere.

"You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die!" Smaug went to leave again, but Y/n looked up at a statue, seeing Thorin on top. He glared at the dragon as he talked.

"Here! You witless worm!"

"Bad idea to call a dragon a worm, Thorin!" Y/n called up to him. He rolled his eyes before looking at the dragon again.

"You.. " Smaug stated angrily. He began to stalk towards Thorin, eyes glowing bright.

"I am taking back what you stole."

"You will take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instill terror in the hearts of men. I am King Under the Mountain!" Smaug exclaimed, his head very near Thorin.

"This is not your kingdom. These are Dwarf lands. This is Dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge." He pulled a chain, and other dwarves did the same. The statue fell apart, revealing a gold statue beneath. So it was a mold. Smaug seemed entranced by the gold dwarf statue, his head tilted to the side. The gold began to melt, filling the room with the substance. Smaug got trapped under the gold that lay on the floor, and Y/n held her breath.

Everything was still until Smaug burst out through the sea of gold and made his way to the doors, which he burst through effortlessly. Y/n flew after him into the sky, where he spun, sending the gold flying every which way. A few flecks landed in Y/n's fiery hair, but she didn't mind. Once Smaug was flying normally, Y/n went to him and climbed on his back as he flew towards Lake Town.

"I am fire..."

"I am...



A/N: Desolation of Smaug?? Completed!! Now it's Battle Of The Five Armies Time... 😬😬😬 The movie where I SOBBED... *Sarcastically* This will be fuuuuuun...... Anyways. How are you enjoying the story? I'm very proud of this, and have many plans for the future. 😉
Also, I made this:

I'm really proud of it.

Byeeeee, lovelies!! ❤️

The Girl With Fire For HairWhere stories live. Discover now