That Maid, Considered

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"This is Sir John Brown, the Queen's footman." Sebastian explains. The man nods. "I'm glad the werewolve's miasma didn't effect you."

"Quite so. Where is your master?" Sir John waved the envelope. Sebastian gave a wary look. "I'm afraid he isnt well at the moment. I shall deliver your letter to him."

"That's troubling. 'This is urgent so read it immediately.' Was the message attatched." He read with a sigh. "Just this once can I ask you to read the contents?"

"Then I must. Excuse me." He tore open the letter and only scanned it before he gasped, "This is...!"

"Well then, I'll be taking my leave."

"Be careful of wild werewolves."

"Yes. Tell the Earl to take care." And with that Sir John left with his horse back into the forest. Sebastian glanced up from the letter to us, "Well, it seems we can finally pick up the pace."

As Snake went back inside to help the others Sebastian and I trailed behind. "What did the letter ensue?" He stopped beside me and unfoldes the sheet. "The curse. The Royal Family ran a component analyasis on the plants in the werewolf forest."

I raised my eyebrow. Of course, this is Sebastian thinking. But what put this on?

"What exactly did you find in the basement?" I began to grow skeptical. Sebastian was still leaving me out of important details.

"Our key...." He murmured, fingering his chin. Without another word, or maybe deep in thought, Sebastian walked away.

I was left for my own contemplation. More importantly, what grabbed my concentration was the horrid blister. I took off my left glove. The blister had stopped throbbing the moment I uncovered it, piquing my confusion.

For a moment I looked into the forrest, possibly seeking where I stood what could be the cause of this. Sebastian had guessed the plants, but it was just a speculation as he couldn't always be right. Hesitatingly, I lifted my hand to my lips. Breathed in the scent, and almost daring to taste it. Only resorting to sniff it again. A thought seized me. Gears turned in my head and I was 99.7 percent sure what this was. A curse, ha!

I ran back in search of Sebastian. A rush came through me, being finally aware that I could still be of some use. And that I've figured out a large piece of our puzzle.

"Have you seen Sebastian?"

I shut the door behind me as the butler sent me a grim shake of the head amd reported equally grim like that I was needed to accompany lord Sullivan for dinner.

I sighed at the mention of dinner. The fact of accompanying lord Sullivan slipped my mind.

"Hurry, hurry!" Finny's screams filled the hall and echoed around the corner where young lord's room was located.

The boy had taken me from dinner a while ago. With lord Sullivan's permission he had tugged me up the stairs the moment I was relieved of my duties. Beyond the tears in Finny's eyes there was worry and intense inward struggle. He had whined that Sebastian had thrown him out of young lord's room even though young lord was still absolutely terrified of him.

Finny had led me to young lord's door, partially begging me to open it through weazing desperation. Instead of complying I spared time by fixing my gloves.

Even through the squabbling servants I had grasped what was going on. And I agree whole heartedly. We've come here on an assignment from the queen. And if the Queen's watchdog had fallen in lack because of his fears and regrets, then he should be done away with. It's nothing personal against young lord, of course. The contract with Sebastian has been compromised, which has never happened.

Another update! Lately I've been feeling that this story is running on too long. Generally, this particular arc. I meam, I have so many ideas waiting to be used right now. Plus, I've been missing the host club, who else has?

So, I'm thinking of cutting this arc short, what do you guys think? Tell me in the comments, it would really be appreciated.

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