Trouble In Germany

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Note: This extra will not effect the story nor will it be affected by the story thus far...but It'll probably affect the story later :p

"Honey-sempai, it's okay. Here, Usa-chan!" In his distress Honey-sempai kicks Tamaki-sempai in the face, flinging Usa-chan across the room. I walk over to my bag and find the cell phone the twins gave me start to go off. I quirk a brow, not realizing the number on the screen at all. Despite that I flip it open.
"Angela! Why are you on the phone in this deadly hour?!" the twins voice ring through my ear, making it impossible to hear the other end. I hold up a finger but they still talk.
I let the person on the other end talk. My eyes widen.

Should I bring a suitcase? It wouldn't be necessary although I have no idea how long I will be away. It bothers me that I don't know why I'm needed. For the nth time I unpack the large case. I barely have any clothes that I need. I sigh and thow the suitcase off my bed, it hits the opposite wall with a strong thud. Running a hand down my raven locks I sit down and pull my hair back into a bun; if I am to go back I should look presentable and adequate for the task at hand. Forget it, it's futile to pack. Though I am sure to return I doubt I'll be doing much; he most likely wants me back due to pity- though I'm more than sure that he is incapable of such emotion.

As the clock beside me reads quarter past 4 o clock I stand up and brush the invisible dust from my black dress. I grab a pen and paper and lean over the dining room table, swiftly writing. I am forming a note, telling the recipient to notify the school's headmaster of my temporary leave of absence and to please not worry over me, it'll be very burdensome on my part.

As I leave my manor and arrive at the apartment complex I find Haruhi's door and knock. Before long the girl opens it and looks me up and down before she speaks. "Angela, what're you doing here?" She seems quite relieved that I'm here. Tamaki-sempai bounces up and appears behind her, following the other boys in the host club, Honey-sempai carrying a box. Ah, now I see why.
"Angela, you came too!" the tall blonde shouts. "So she did receive boss's telepathic message." Kaoru states in wonder. "Hey, you're hair's in a bun." Hikaru says. I dismiss it without a word and hand Haruhi the note. The others look at it except Hikaru, who's eyes hold worry in them, does he know what's happening? I put my hand on hers as she tries to unfold it and shake my head.
"Angela!" Ranka appears behind everyone, almost crying his eyes out from tears of joy that I've appeared. As this time they all look back I couldn't take it, so I leave.

Third Person
Ranka takes on a look of confusion and rubs his eyes, "Angela was here right? You saw her too, Haruhi?" He looks down at his daughter, she nods, "She's right..." she turns around as looks out, her eyes only meeting the balcony and past. "" Tamaki starts to panick, "Where did my daughter go that fast! Did someone take her?!" he runs out and looks down, no one but a few pedestrians passed below. Kaoru shakes his head, no one humanely possible could've done that in a matter of mere seconds. His brother's jaw is agape then it clenches and he looks toward the floor. Everything stops for a second and Honey's cries for his friend are faint to his ears. He curses and his fists clench, "She keeps leaving us like this." he murmurs and Kaoru sees that he is physically trembling, with what emotion he can't decide.

The younger Hitachiin leans his back on the wall and wonders about the last few seconds his friend had come. She appeared and then...disappeared, and it wasn't a magic trick he knew that. It couldn't be...humanely possible...
"It couldn't be..."
"Kaoru ...Hikaru..."  his friend, Haruhi directs, her voice shaking as Hikaru trembles. "...humanely possible..."

He made a conclusion that his friend, Angela, couldn't be human.

*In London*

"...and we need all the help we can get. I know you're irritated but get over it, Sebastian. You and I both know that this manor won't cooperate the same without her." Ceil snaps. His butler, Sebastian, doesn't respond but closes his eyes and silently exhales. In seconds before the crew departs into the carriages the young maid shows up, getting here quicker than last time.
" was rather disturbing to leave again but..."
"But you're bound by my contract, no matter what- at least by some. What kind of rubbish was that, leaving all of a sudden? Don't try it again." the 13 year old orders. 
I bow and conceal my smile; this is nostalgic. I've caught Finny at the carriage behind us; he looked surprised to see me, then the tears came.
Sebastian has been giving me the cold shoulder since I returned.  So I turn to said demon and, looking him straight in the eye, demand with a stern voice, "I didn't leave Ouran to receive this treatment. As your colleague I demand you tell me why you're so keen on avoiding me." He keeps his stature and replies in a disdainful tone. "My lord desires to establish you again, although I am at his command I cannot say I concur."  I don't reply because it's time to depart. I inwardly sigh for the long trip ahead. We are going to a local village in Germany where much rumors arise about a local witch's curse.
Riding in the carriage beside Sebastian I open the letters previously marked with the Queen's signet. Time passes after I fold the letters and retreat them to my coat pocket.

As we arrive at the station the conductor, speaking perfect English, tells us the directions to the village. We make our way there to a small village on the outskirts of Nuremburg and find a cart driver among the people for help. It doesn't work, he's speaking a different tongue that I haven't had the time to learn.
"Hey...Sebastian, what language is this?" Master asks. "It's East Franconan. A dialect of Southern Germany."
"This isn't a dialect anymore!" the boy shouts at the butler. "Everything I've learned is useless!" Of course, I cant even make out the words; it looks like already I am of no use. Extensive knowledge, of course- I say this with sarcasm. "So? What's he saying?" Sebastian clears his throat and begins to translate.
"I ain't gonna die from no witches' curse. No matter how much ya offer me, I ain't gonna go! Is what he said." I quirk my brow, so the average man in this village is deseparate not to get involved, so it's not just a rumor floating around. The alleged "Wolf's Forrest" is indeed real, I should've calculated that from the deaths reported by Her Majesty.  
Sebastian continues talking to the man and master and I watch as he talks vividly with his hands, his hand hovering up and down his face and making spherical gestures around his visage, I can only assume he's talking about welts on the face.

"There seems to be a survivor. He's quite distraught and keeps saying 'The werewolves are coming'."
"So you're saying he saw the werewolf?" Sebastian nods, "It seems the officials took him and the other victims to a large hospital. Shall I search all the hospitals in the country?" 
"No, that's fine. If he's crazy there's no use talking to him. It'll be faster is we just go to the werewolf forest ourselves."
"However," Sebastian starts, "He doesn't seem to want to take out the carriage no matter how much we offer him." Master smirks, "Then ask him how much the carriage costs."

Instead of going towards the edge of the village we go inside, the carriage stops and Sebastian gets off. Later, another carriage is occupied and I drive that one, holding Finny and the others with the luggage. I look beside me while we're in the dank forest, the smell of a type of miasma is near my nose. I ignore it for the time being and, looking at the man beside me I see he has a snake draped around his neck. It doesn't seem weird, he is also clad in a suit and I realize master has picked up another person to work for him. Was he to replace me? I cant help but ask myself but the reason is too oblique that I was asked persistently to come along. I ask the man why he's sitting beside me and he replies that there isn't enough room in the back, adding on "says  Oscar" at the end. I raise a brow.
"My name is Angela." I say. He nods and glances at me, then seems to connect something. "Are you the same as Black? asks Oscar."
"Pardon?" Black wasn't a name I was familiar with.  "I mean the butler, says Oscar." He shakes his head. I nod, though not really comprehending what that meant. "I'm Snake, says Oscar." 
"Okay." The name was self explanatory. The ride was silent except for the chattering in the back. "I've never seen you around before, says Oscar." 
"It's because..." I start but my throat closes, an odd feeling arises around me. "I've been away; but I have returned. Nevertheless treat me as a familiar colleague and also," I feel a small smile tug on my lips, "Treat my master well." I glance at his green eyes and he nods saying that Oscar says "I will."

Before long we see houses appear on the horizon so we stop our carriages upon the entrance.
"There really is a village inside the forest..." The village and houses appeared to be clean and neat despite the situation it seems to be. Despite that, there isn't a soul in sight. "Heeey! Anyone heeeerree?" Finny shouts. As if on cue a whole mob of bodies surround us, women carrying pitchforks and whatever sharpened weapon they could get their hands on. They speak in German.  A blonde woman shouts at us and her expression is furious. I don't take time to listen but as I examine them they are all donned in dresses from centuries ago. "Tell them I wish to speak to the lord of this land." master speaks. Their faces are confused and then furious again as the main woman shouts.
From among the shouted words I notice one spoken, that they are all calling us rats.
Suddenly a new voice shouts and the women all quiet down like obedient dogs, bowing as a tall man carrying a tiny girl, clad in similar old century attire walks toward us.
There is only one conclusion I can draw from this, she is the lord Sullivan everyone speaks of, lord of this forest.

Ok everyone, here's another chapter. I hope you like it, I'm adapting the next few chapters from the Kuroshitsuji manga. Please comment on anything, if you have ideas for improvements then PLEASE TELL ME.

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