That Maid, Disappointed

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The door opened and I stumbled in with the rest. Sebastian's eyes widened but narrowed when he figured out we were listening. Ignoring that, Finny ran over to young lord only to be stopped by the butler. "He's finally recovered, are you trying to take him out again?" Sebastian asked warily.

"A-ah! I'm sorry!"

"Finny. Thank you for taking care of me. I'm fine now." He smiled. "Everyone come here. There is something I have to tell you."

"I'm sorry." He spoke. We were all shocked as it was totally rare that young lord apologized.

"Through my carelessness I have cause you to suffer and worry. For that I am sorry " he explained. I smiled. Seeing young lord realize his mistakes and take up responsibility for it was touching.

"No young master, please raise your head!" Finny cried.

"No. Even that me up until yesterday was still me. As your master I swear you ill never see me in such a sorry state again. So that's why I ask...that you serve me once again." He looked up, and it was clear in his eyes that young lord had returned.

"Yes young lord." We chorused.

"Says Bronte." Snake added a moment later, that happened to ruin everything.

"Anyway," young lord continued. Stopping short the scolding we were giving Bard and I gave back our attention. "I know it's sudden but I have an order for you all." He clenched his fists and struggled to continue on, his face taking on a red hue. "P-please forget how I was up until yesterday right now!"

I thought it was cute how he thought we would forget. Nevertheless, it was an order though I had to stifle the laugh that I felt coming up.

"If I recall, when you fell under the curse that appearance had quite an impact." I spoke, remembering the image of boils on the skin.  "Were they aiming for a phsycological attack as well?" I asked to Sebastian.

"Nevermind that. Please read this." He says, handing young lord the same letter from before. I eyed it with caution, feeling somehow that held the answer to all of this.

"So this is the true identity of the curse." He said.

It wasn't meant to be thia shorg. But Valentine's Day is here and I didn't want to leave you guys without an update.
Happy V Day

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