Reunion and Apologies pt. 1

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I took off my apron and threw it on the bed. Haruhi hadn't talked about the dress since we arrived, and I was getting very impatient. Of course, I could get one on my own but I don't know my way around and frankly, I don't wish to go anywhere out in the sun--it's bothersome. (Angela's quite lazy at times XD)

Hearing Misuzuchi ask where I was I slowly got up and donned my apron once again. "I'm here, Misuzuchi."

She clasped her hands together and pushed me to the kitchen, "You were a wonder today in the kitchen! We should prepare for the early rush coming in soon, quickly now!"

I creased my brow at the stove, "How is this any different from before?" She left me alone and I slowly started to prepare quiche, I hear it's a very filling meal on its own. In a few moments I heard a mass humming sound. It turned into whirring as it got closer and turned out to be very annoying.

"Haruhi! Fear not, daddy's here!" I paused and quickly shoved the quiche in the oven before running to the front. I saw a black helicopter in one second before a white sheet flew on my face. Scornful and amazed I threw it down soon enough to see a blonde little boy jump on Haruhi. "Haru-chan, we found you!" 

One after another the host members ran up to Haurhi--except Kyoya-sempai, he doesn't really run much-- and hugged her--still excluding Kyoya-sempai, as well as Mori-sempai--, with conjoining babbling and even tears--produced by Tamaki-sempai. 

Suddenly, Mori-sempai, looking up from the display, spotted me. He rose his brow, still maintaining his stoic expression, eyes slightly widening as they darted between  his club mates and I. I grunted because I couldn't possibly predict what he was going to do. "Angela." Mori-sempai uttured. Feeling now all eyes on me I suddenly felt self conscious and hung my head. What had happened to me so suddenly? Interrupting my self loathing, Honey-sempai darted to me and enveloped me in a hug, soaking my apron with wails. 

Throwing away my always-with-me distant disposition, I hugged back. 

Mizusuchi's meeting with the host club had led us out in the courtyard. We occupied two small tables immediately beside the entrance. "Tea, Haruhi?" 

"No thanks, Angela." She smiled. 

"K-" I started, staring down at the two empty teacups pushed in front of me. I would say I was used to this behavior but I don't remember, the events in Germany were enough for me. A tinge of pain pricked me when I darted my eyes to their faces, who were spitefully turned away from me. I took the second teapot with me to Kyoya-sempai. 

"I don't get it, you turned down our invitation to Bali for this?" Hikaru asked.

"And we even asked her to come with us to Switzerland, didn't we?" Mori-sempai grunted in concordance. Something wasn't clear to me, I felt wrong and disturbed by the acknowledgement  Hikaru was not giving me.  I knew grudges like these took a while to disappear--if this were one of those grudges. I had been accustomed to being the subject of hate until now. Hate? Yes, I would call it that. What with my unexplained absence and running off unannounced. 

"Hm, what's wrong with you?" Kyoya-sempai peered at me. I returned it with an incredulous look. "Usually you would be putting in your two cents by now. Unfortunately you're not so smug at this moment."He's right, Kyoya-sempai would be the one to produce an accurate analysis. "But now you're not. Angela, you're very interesting." Lifting his tea cup to his mouth I still spotted his smirk. 

"You say it like I'm a specimen for you to examine." 

"Not really. Going out of the country twice, and not telling us anything once you return, doesn't it seem like you should be?" I slumped my shoulders, feeling some heavy weight drop on them. Then, his smirk fell flat and something different than his prior behavior entered his eyes; sentiment maybe. "I'm glad you're back. But are you back for good?" 

A Demon In Ouran? *Hikaru Hitachiin*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora