Candy Canes

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I actually scrolled to it AFTER Christmas Day, hence this update, but hey, it's still December. GUYS I'M SRSLY HAPPY. It's meant to preoccupy you while I'm continuing the next chapter, so please tell me what you think about this!

Unedited Version

  Today was another day at the host club. Well to Angela it was. Today was actually Christmas and unlike Christmas at the manor the host club had another idea in mind. The king of the club had another wonderful idea of toning down the club's usual extravagant activities and actually had a normal theme.
"We will pass out Christmas presents and candy canes to the princesses of this school!" This idea was very normal to Angela but she wouldn't call it a novel idea.
"I realize this is a host club and you attract females but why give luxuries you provide to only the females?"
"Just what I was thinking." Kyoya commented.
"Our other motive when we started this club was to attract the student body. That means organizing activities for both the female and the male population."
"You know, I was just thinking that." Tamaki interrupter.
"Bullcrap." Haruhi murmured.
All the hosts went with the idea well. Afterwards, after the start of the meeting, the bell rung for 5th period to start. The third years went to Chemistry. The second years went to P.E. And the first years had break.
"I think we should start this plan now." Kaoru said, as all four of them walked down the hall.
"How? We have no presents." Haruhi responded.
"Easy," the eldest twin stated. "We call them in." Then the two disappeared, leaving the two females alone.
"What do you suppose we do now?" Angela asked.
"Well, we could just think that nothing happened." Haruhi said, walking away. The girl quickly following her.

"TA-DA!" the twins unified. Showing the two girls a dress that would perfectly fit Angela.

'What are they going to do?' the girls both thought.

They pushed Angela in the dressing room of the vacant club room and threw the dress in with her.
"Here, hurry and put it on!" both ordered. "I'm not wearing this." the raven haired girl argued.

But many oppositions later she came out wearing it. Without any idea what or why they wanted her to do so. Both boys blushed at the sight and Haruhi clapped, playing along.

Kaoru soon helped her put the assecories on. And Hikaru helped with the make-up, which was a small amount of blush and eye-liner.

"I don't like this idea." both Haruhi and Angela said.
"Come on!" Hikaru said.

"It'll be fun!" Kaoru encouraged. "All you have to do is go around the school with this sack and pass the presents out to the students." Kaoru explained.

"Don't forget the teachers." Haruhi said

"But boss didn't say anything about the teachers." Hikaru said.

"Just in case if there's any extras." she shrugged. The decorated girl gave a sigh and began walking.

After hours of saying "Have a Merry Christmas!" and "Have a Merry Christmas ladies, please come to the host club." and wearing a smile that tired her cheeks out she finally finished. This did have advantages to it.

One, she was excused from classes. And two, she gained more friends. Like that mattered to her though.

It was now the end of the day; the bell that rung signified that. She rose from sitting at a random chair in the hallway when all the students scattered in the hall. She let out an exasperated sigh, trying to push her way to Music Room #3 to report.

The doors pushed open to the already filled room. Another sigh slipped past her lips as she walked in the back to change. When she opened the door she was surprised to see a certain ginger back there.
"Hikaru, aren't you supposed to attend to your clients?" Angela questioned once he saw her.
"Oh, yeah, I asked Kaoru to handle them for a while." there was a long silence, not awkward.
"Do you want something?" was what Angela wanted to say. She was growing impatient, he wouldn't come back here for a reason.
Yet another long silence. The boy broke it.
"I wanted to ask."
"Yes." He looked up, a smirk on his face.
'I don't like this smirk.' Angela thought, almost recoiling.
"Can I have a present?" that question calmed her a lot. She didn't expect for that to come out of a smirk like that.
"Do you have anymore presents? Since I came up with this idea it's only natural if you give me a present." he said, in an arrogant tone that made the small girl stare at him in disbelief. 'So this was his idea?' Her fist clenched for a punch but she stopped. And convinced herself that she could do way worst things.

"I apologize, there's no more presents so you're going to have to buy yourself one." she turned after dismissing him but he caught her elbow, "Wait."

"What now?" before she could give him a glare he leaned in and pecked her on the lips. She couldn't understand how but all she heard was 'Doki Doki'

"Thanks for the present." she watched the boy leave, hands in his pocket nonchalantly, as if nothing happened. Angela grunted, "Stupid Hikaru boy. I should've punched him while I had the chance." she changed and served not succeeding in hiding her blush the whole time.

So, seriously, that was the unedited version. O.O it gave me the chills looking at the typos T.T. Anyway, I hope--somehow--in your forgiving and kind hearts that you liked it. Continue looking out for another chapter coming real soon~Thanks!

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