The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!

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Let's take a look and see what's going on at the Phantomhive Manor.

It was dawn here, a time where all the residents of the Phantomhive Manor were asleep, save the butler Sebastian. He had duties, as usual.

The man sighed as he walked down to the servant quarters. Its been a big strain on him ever since Angela left.

The butler came into the dining room to clean up, though nothing was needed to be cleaned. As he neared the lone champagne bottle he spotted a note beside it, he picked it up.

To anyone who is reading this I say good bye. I had fun times at the manor but someone taught me that I needed to be with other people. People that need me, and I them. I hope that where I'm going will bring me happiness. So, this is a farewell. To all of you at the manor. Farewell to master. Farewell to Sebastian. Farewell to Bard, Mey-rin, Finnie, and Tanaka. And farewell to Prince Soma. You needn't go looking for me and you needn't worry, but I know you wont do any of those. I will still be a Phantomhive maid. Give hugs and kissed to Bard, Tanaka, Mey-rin and Finnie. I will miss you all.
And Agni, thank you.

        Angela Akatsuki

The paper instantly crumbled in the male's hand. He hadn't noticed he was slightly trembling until the bottle he grasped shattered. Sebastian kept his composure and smoothed his hair back with his good hand. But in all truth, he was fuming on the inside. The fact that she leaves without telling anyone and now he's alone again. Stuck with these people. He cared not only for his well being but considered his young master as well, once he hears the news he'll be appalled.

Over this past year Angela, being "young" in a sense, could relate more to Ciel, since she's relatively closer to his age, if not by one year or  one thousand. The demon sighed. Now what was he supposed to do? 

"I suppose it's back to how it used to be." He glanced down at the mess about his feet and threw the paper down in it. He didn't want to be bothered with this anymore, just to clean up this mess and forget this ever happened. Although, he could tell Ciel that she took a vacation. But he knew deep down that his master wouldn't buy it, he doesn't even buy it. It's not convincing enough. 

I will always be a Phantomhive maid. He scoffed, he didn't care if it was loud enough for the boy to hear. Ciel turned his head to look at him.

"Something wrong, Sebastian?" 

"No, my lord." but the boy could see the malice in his eyes, very uncouth from his normally. He might not entirely know what this was about but he had a hunch. The boy sliced his brisket and put another chunk in his mouth and didn't talk again until he swallowed.

"If this is about Angela, hold no grudge. Forget everything if you will. She has left us, it's just as simple put to a preschooler." he gazed at his reflection in the knife and smiled sadly.

"It's just the two of us."

"Yes, the two of us, once again."

"Angela, hurry up and get in your cosplay!"


"Why noooootttttt?!" I glared at the three people at my feet, whining like children. It was obnoxious.

"Because every time you all dress up I don't have to."

"It's not dress up!" Tamaki-sempai, who got up from whining, pointed a finger in my face and did one of his poses.

"Plus, Angela..." I glanced down at the two remaining idiots holding onto my ankles. "You would look good in it, guaranteed!" My eyes slightly widened before I glared down at them. They were unfazed, unfortunately, as I glared down at Hikaru for that ridiculous comment.

Somehow I managed to kick them off of me and marched to the dressing rooms, grumbling about how a lady shouldn't go through this. I don't know whether it was for yelling at the twins but my cheeks were unusually flushed. I didn't like it. Grumbling once again I threw on the required attire for today.
"Angela, my daughter! Mommy look, doesn't our daughter look beautiful?!"

"This outfit shows too much skin. I hate it."

Hikaru's P.O.V.

"This outfit shows too much skin. I hate it."

 I am happy and I wasn't lying, she does look good in it.

GAH! Hikaru no, it's not right to ogle girls. Especially girls that don't have an interest in you.

I instantly felt down at that thought. It's right, she probably doesn't have an interest in me. It's fine though, I like Haruhi...but she only sees me as a friend. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair before I put on the headdress that goes with this thing. 

Angela's P.O.V.

"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club."  The doors opened and on this side it never does show where that light and those roses come from, maybe I should stop mentioning it but it's always on my mind. It just shows how orthodox this club is.
I was drafted away from my thoughts when we could finally see the person on the other side of the door. I was expecting a girl but it was a young boy instead. He had a different uniform on. I think I remember seeing the grade school males sporting the same attire.

"Oh, its just a kid." Hikaru stated. Obviously, we could all see that.

"And not only that it's a boy." 

"What's wrong, little boy? Did you come to my palace in search of something?" Tamaki-sempai said, now in Arabian King mode. I think this boy has multiple personalities. The boy got off the ground.

"Ugh...are you the king of this place?" (A/N: I'm just now realizing the whole setup in this part of the episode; the columns and did they manage to take it away before the guests came?!)
I could tell he was surprised, gasping and I know this is the start of his drama. Good grief, the boy shouldn't have said that. 

"Come closer, lost one." the boy did so.

"What was it you just called me?" I sent a mental plea but the boy didn't hear it.

"...Long live the host king!!"
"I'm the elementary fifth year, Shiro Takaoji!" He paused to, dramatically might I add, point his finger at Tamaki-sempai.

"And I want the host club king to take me on as an apprentance!" We all but stared in shock.

"Oh my Tamaki, you have an apprentice?"

"Yes, he's still in elementary school but I like the fire in his eyes."

"But are you sure it's okay for such a young boy to become a host?"

"Why wouldn't it be? Love has nothing to do with age. Take us, for instance, whenever I look at you my heart starts pounding. Suddenly, I'm no different than a love sick little boy." the girl swooned and I stifled my grumble. The smell of instant coffee filled my nose and I glance over at the boy across the table from me. I stopped pouring when it almost filled the brim and glanced at the scene before me. 

The boy, Shiro, happened to be watching very closely Tamaki-sempai in action. Do I dare ask?

"You naughty girl, you've drawn me to the forbidden fruit. Dearest, you are the mermaid who has brought light to my  lonely sea."

"I remind you of a mermaid?"  I felt a flip in my stomach, is this the display of human emotions. I guess this is the verbal example. A physical example would face heated. That night comes to mind.{1}

"No way, you look like the carp that swims in my pond. I'd never give out false compliments like that!" Shiro said. Thankfully, that brought my face back to normal.

"Carp!?" the girl screamed and wept.  Tamaki-sempai reassured her, but failed a few times later. Ending in the girl running out and calling him an idiot. 

I shook my head. The twins came over, snickering.

"So how's it going, boss? That's an adorable little apprentice you got there."

"Hikaru, do you wish you had a little brother like Shiro?"

"Don't be silly. I could search the globe and I'd never find a better brother like you, Kaoru." he said, holding his brother in a warming embrace.

"Oh, Hikaru."

Is this another example of physical human love...? Although girls fawned over this I grew annoyed.

"You two have your own station where you are free to do such acts. Now please, go there." I pointed at them, we seem to be doing a lot of pointing today.  They grinned at me.

"What's wrong, Angela feeling jealous?"

"I do not."  I looked away, very irritated.

"Admit it, you would rather be Kaoru right now, wouldn't you? To be held in my tender embrace." He said from behind me, and I could feel his breath on my ear. If I could I would shiver but this doesn't affect me in the least bit. 


I couldn't help but flinch at my own thoughts and it brought back to me that night. Holding back the urge to twist this boy's arm I gently pushed him aside and walked back toward Haruhi and scoff at his immatureness and my immatureness as well.

Nothing serious happened that night, so why am I blushing? 

"Haruhi, it's my job to carry the trays."

"It's fine, I got it."

"If you say so."  I followed her and that child bumped into her.

"Are you alright? I know, it's kind of hard getting used to all the weirdoes around here. It took me a while to get adjusted to all the craziness so don't freak out. I'm sure you'll get used to it." Was she also including me when she said "weirdoes"? ...No, I'm not weird.

"Are you a cross dresser?" As is hearing it from a mile away sempai and the twins ran over and attempted to persuade Shiro into thinking that Haruhi was a boy. 
Through all the confusion he looked up at me and I really didn't know I was glaring.

"You remind me oni." 

Oni Oni Oni Oni Oni Oni ONI!

My eyebrow twitched and I hung my head, I was finally feeling some type of defeat with this child. I slowly turned and robotically stepped away.

"Angela, don't let him get you down!"

"She's in despair! Oh God!"

"How dare you punk. First you call Haruhi a cross dresser then you call Angela an oni! I've had enough, put this brat in isolation!"

"Yes boss!" The ground rumbled and I turned to see Shiro in a large cage. 

"Where did this large imprisonment come from?" I asked, suspiciously eyeing the cage as if it might disappear any minute. 

"This is no way to treat your loyal apprentice, now let me out of this cage!"

"Not until you've learned you're lesson. I made you my apprentice because I thought you were serious about becoming a host. But I guess, I was wrong." Sempai said, sipping his tea.

"I am serious, totally serious. I want you to teach me how to make a woman happy. I'm gonna run out of time. Please, wont you teach me?"
What does he mean, he's going to run out of time? For what? 

"You like brining a smile to a girl's face. That's why you do it, right? Please wont you teach me to be like you? You're a genius at it, you're the king!" This seemed to strike something in sempai.

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