The Plan

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Third Person P.O.V.
The 7 teens sat/stood around the 2 couches, including 1 demon. The event taking place was a meeting. A meeting of new improvements for the club. So suggestions were thrown around and these were favorable:
1. More cosplay.
2. New snacks.
It has been discussed and agreed upon all the members and the new maid. However, both suggestions will be affected drastically due to the newest member of the "family".
"So any ideas on what we should do?" the king asked. No one knew,but only one of course. "I have an idea for both actually." she exclaimed, standing up from her seat next to Haruhi. All eyes immediately on her, urging her to continue. "For the cosplay you should try something you've never think of." the smirk on her face indicating this was more literal than what it stood out to be and different from their others, even though she hadn't seen them. The puzzled looks told her to elaborate on that,for it wasnt clear. That it wasn't. "Such as?"
"19th Century English clothing?" Haruhi questioned the girl. 
"Yes." she answered with a rather large smile on her face. Much to the brown haired girl's dismay the other hosts agreed.
"Well it would be something different." the king said while thinking thoughtfully.
"I think I would look fitting in English clothing don't you agree brother Kaoru?" the eldest twin asked his brother, faking a british accent. Which impressed Angela enough to make her smile thoughtfully and blush at how cute the boy was,which he caught and had the same reaction. "This could be a different experience." Kyoya said to himself.
"Takashi won't this be great!? I'll be a Britishman." Honey exclaimed while bouncing up and down. "...It's Englishman." his silent companion corrected.
"But wait." the brunette stated. Silencing the whole room. "Where're we going tonged the stuff I mean it's not like anyone sells that stuff anymore right?"
" Right Haruhi, and I think English wear is out of reach for my family. Let alone you guys." Haruhi had a point. In fact they both had a point. This got the hosts thinking which eventually they all looked to Angela for help.
"Oh please you needn't worry I have places where such things are provided." she answered whilst doing a closed eye smile. The clock soon caught her attention and got her thinking. If I leave now then I won't have enough time to get back by tomorrow. Even if I do take local transportation. Hm this is going to be troublesome. When are we even going to take action on this? she worded her last thought to the others and got a few 'as if we would know' looks.
"Ok, we can do it next week.'' she answered while getting her bag,later walking over to Haruhi.
"Haruhi I will not be here for a few days. Can you please give this letter to our first period teacher? It explains everything." she said as she handed the now quizzical looking girl her note. "Wait where are you going? A few days?" Haruhi questioned, which caught attention. "I will be taking a trip, to get the outfits, that will take on days to go on.I should be back by Saturday." (A/N:Today's Tuesday.)
"Wait you're going on a trip?" "Can we come?" "I wanna go on a trip don't you Takashi?" "..Hm." "It depends, what 'trip' are you going on?"
Kyoyas question caused Angela to scowl at the second year. "That's really none of your concern. On this trip I will be taking on some business, there's yours and then theres mine." was her final words once she walked out the door.
Tamaki's P.O.V.
What did she mean?

"There's yours and then there's mine?"
It seems the others were just as confused as me. A trip that takes a few days. I won't stand for it! What if she gets hurt,or kidnapped! OR WORSE! I will not let my daughter go on this trip alone!
"Ok everyone let's follow her." every action stopped. "But boss-" Hikaru started.
" we don't even know where she's going." said Kaoru.
"That is true." I didn't think of that. "But what if something happens to her. I don't want my second daughter to get hurt! WE MUST FOLLOW HER!" pointing a finger in the sky.
"But is it really worth missing 4 days of school?" Kyoya asked. "I can't believe you said that Kyoya! OUR DAUGHTER WILL BE ALL ALONE FOR 4 DAYS IN A WORLD FULL OF PERVERTS AND WHAT NOT!!" I yelled flailing my arms. "You know," I stopped and turned to my other daughter. "I'd agree with Tamaki-senpai on this one.
"*GASP* HARUHI YOU FINALLY AGREE WITH DADDY!!" I ran over to hug her but she stepped away which made me face plant the floor which sent me to my corner of woe. "My daughter hates me. My eldest daughter hates me. Mommy won't cooperate." I mumbled while drawing circles into the floor. "Think about it Haruhi, Tamaki do you really want to go on and unknown trip and throw away four dys of school for a girl we just met, plus we know nothing about her, so by my opinion she just another girl to-"
"SHUT IT KYOYA-SENPAI!" said Hikaru,which shocked me out of my corner. "SHE'S NOT JUST ANOTHER GIRL! SHE JOINED THE HOST CLUB. SHES PART OF THE FAMILY NOW SO DON'T SAY SHE'S 'JUST ANOTHER GIRL' BECAUSE SHE'S NOT. HER NAME IS ANGELA AKATSUKI! I DON'T CARE IF WE MISS FOUR WHOLE DAYS FOR HER SHE'S WORTH IT,HER SAFETY AND EVERYTHING! I agree with Haruhi and Tamaki-senpai so let's go follow her. And if we don't it's your fault if she gets hurt!" nothing but stunned silence went through the room. Until Honey-Senpai broke it. "Hika-chan, are you ok?" we couldn't tell because his face was shadowed by his bangs. "Hikaru?" Kaoru asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Nothing. "Everyone, LET'S GO FIND ANGELA!! FOR HIKARU!" I yelled,running for the door.The others following.

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