The Start of Summer

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Ranka hums in delight, preparing to dive his chopsticks into the new dish. "This is wonderful, Angela!"
"Dad, you don't even know what it is." Haruhi sweatdrops then picks up another slice of meat.
"It's roast mutton. Do you like it?"
"No, I love it! Whatever it is!" Ranka screams, if possible, through the slabs of meat in his mouth. Trickles of tears are at the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly, Haruhi looks up at me. "Angela, aren't you going to eat?"
"No, I actually ate earlier." I argued. "Well, whenever you're hungry, our house is yours now." Ranka said. Haruhi smiled, "Yeah, make yourself at home." Smiling, I put the tray down and ventured in the room I shared with Haruhi. In search for my mobile device I ran across a small photograph of Haruhi and the host club. I figured it had to be recent, given that I was not in it nor was I the one to take pictures. Beneath it was exactly what I was looking for but I couldn't think why I had been searching for it. So, I stood, holding it in my hand and looking forlornly at the picture on the dresser. Shaking myself out of my reverie I flipped it open and just as instantly someone burst into the small room. It was neither Haruhi or Ranka, but someone I haven't seen in what felt like forever.

I stared incredulously at the smiling fool, "Grell?"

"Who else, my dear?" He grinned. "W-what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in London." I couldn't help but stammer but this appearance was so overwhelming. I took in his person as he walked around, took in this new persona and alarmingly new and bold attire of red.
"I should be, yes. I had to leave poor Will all alone in the middle of an assignment, oh, but that wasn't his call." He muttered the last part.
"What do you mean? You didn't answer my question." He tsked me and walked over to sit in front of me. "Dear, you haven't changed. And I thought being away from Sebastian would make you less strict." Grell picked his nails nonchalantly then began squirming and squealing. "Oh, but we all change when we don't have Sebby, so I don't blame you! The withdrawal is deadly."
His blush faded and he crossed his legs when I sternly addressed him a second time. "Okay, miss Angela." Then he recounted the whole story, from when he was in Germany to the reason why he left London again. He finished up with this, "And then, I made a little surprise. Did you see it? It was for you, after all." I thought back to the day I returned. Nothing much happened, nothing much great except the ramen. I stopped, was he the chef that happened to make that exceptional dish? I almost asked but looking at Grell again, legs crossed on my bed and smirk wide, I dismissed it and connected what could have happened with his cynical, diabolical ways. He is a shinigami after all.

I lunged for his neck but he moved away quickly. "You!" He advanced and pinned my arms to my side, cornering me into a wall. He grinned mischievously, "Don't get your temper up~" I growled and kicked him in his stomach, sending him on the floor. I picked him by the arm and threw him against the wall, he slid down and rubbed his head. Grimacing as he looked up. I could feel it, I could feel the heat coming from my back, the darkness clouding me again, the red I saw. "You burned my house down!" Grell shrunk and I could hear a whimper come from the back of his throat. "Angela, I haven't seen you this mad before. Calm down!"
He stood and I was against the wall again, still seeing red, still raging. "I promised I would kill you, I'm going to kill you, Grell."

"Eek, I said calm down!" He screamed and retreated after his hand involuntarily got sucked in to the aura around me. "You wouldn't want to ruin this quaint house, would you?" Almost as quickly as he said it, I calmed down. The shadows diminished and I saw normal again. Grell, on the other hand, behind his sweat, widened his eyes in surprise.
"Oh, I wasn't going for that."
"You were expecting me to ignore your pleas and succumb to my desire to kill you because of your foolhardy actions?" I scoffed, "I wouldn't intentionally dare to ruin this house." I didn't lower my glare but Grell's yellowish green eyes changed and his tone softened. "My," he began in an observant tone and walked around me. "You've changed." A wide smirk crawled on his face, "Is it the humans gorging themselves outside?"
I stiffened, but knew that he had been watching. "How long have you been spying on us? On me?"
"A while now. Well, not that long. Actually ever since you came from Germany. I've had my eye on you even in the forests. Well, not really you, just Bassy!" He commenced squirming in delight. I sighed, exasperatedly.
"Did you also happen to see those two trap me in a net?" His eyes widened. "No, I might've burned your house down to the ground but that's the only hostile action I'll put towards you." I stared at him but, under my inspection, he looked genuinely truthful and innocent. So, I let it go.

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