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An incident that left us shocked occured yesterday. A werewolf came into master's room, it attempted to attack but Finny was there. All is well now. Lord Sullivan even checked in on young master. From her report he's progressing well, but his phsycological state hasn't changed much.

After that happened Sebastian pulled me aside. The pressing matters here weren't getting solved so he asked me to deliver something to the Queen. He handed me a plant. "It's from the forest. Dont worry," he said because I was about to protest. "I didn't go as far as last time. Take it to Her Majesty. She would want to see this." I nodded and journeyed on my way.

When I returned to the manor lord Sullivan wasn't there. Neither was Wolf.

"Sebastian, where is the lady?" I questioned. He looked out the window. "It seems at a ceremony."

"Is this something to do with the attack last night?" He looked down at me and smiled gently.  "Yes." I wanted to smile myself, but the attempt to harm young lord weighed down on my mind with a heavy laden. So much so as that my awareness that mine and Sebastian's relationship has been revived took a back seat. "The wolves are in the basement. And Snake found that lord Sullivan is cooperating with them." I rose my brow, if lord Sullivan was doing such then that means the attack on young lord was intentional! Sebastian shook his head, as if reading my thoughts. "I don't believe it's as you think. Lord Sullivan never wanted this to happen, never wanted the werewolves to attack people."

"So they're rebelling?" He smirked.

"In a way, yes. Anyway, it seems our presence here is angering the werewolves. They don't appreciate outsiders."

"Then what do we do? Is it possible to leave with young lord in such a condition?" 

"In the meantime, I need to investigate. Stay here and stall for time if Wolf comes back."  Sebastian ordered, turning back down the hall.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Once again, Sebastian smirked.

"The basement."

I wondered for a moment why I couldn't go. But I can't accompany Sebastian everywhere.

Oddly, I felt a burning sensation on my hand. When I looked down at the oddly familiar boil I felt shock rise in me.
Where did this come from?

I shook my head. The forrest. The werewolf miasma.

I went downstairs in the kitchen to see the others there. I had blown on this mark all the way down but the relief didn't come. Not even when I showered it in water. I gave up on my attempt.

"Is Finny still with young lord?"

Bard nodded, picking on his cigarette. "He's been even closer now since that werewolf." He sighed.

Wolf walked in accompanied by two other women, carrying wicker baskets loaded with produce.

"Where is the butler?" He asked after looking around.

"Ah...he stepped out for fresh air." Wolf just grumbled. I see he has taken an utter dislike to Sebastian.

Suddenly, one of Snake's snakes jumped up and slithered into one of the woman's cleavage. She shrieked, dropping the basket. In an instant Sebastian appeared and-solved the problem. I could say she was mortified. He turned away and smiled at Wolf.

He now had the snake in his hand.  "I'm sorry. It seems that our servants have caused some grief. Oscar just needs to cool his head. Come, Snake, Angela."

We followed Sebastian outside and Snake immediately reprimanded his pet. "Oscar you're the worst! Says Emily."

He rose his brow, "I didn't coil in her to feel her up! I wanted to smell her. Says Oscar. It's yet another scoop. That woman smelled like a werewolf! Says Oscar."

"I that means...that..."

"Ah. I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation." A voice said from the brushes. We turned to see a horse staring us right in the face. It's gaudy expression slightly comical. "Oh. Do excuse me." A man in a white suit and sunglasses stepped from the shrubbage, holding a sealed envelope. "I have a letter from the Queen."

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