Jungle Pool S.O.S.

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  For some reason club activities were cancelled today so when three o'clock came we were dismissed with the other students.

"Wonder why activities were cancelled for today." Haruhi thought aloud. I shrugged. We can never be too certain, they're probably planning something.

As soon as we arrived at the south building front we were both taken by the arms by none other than the twins.

I assume this is step 1 of their plan. I thought with an exasperated sigh. I guess I shouldn't resist as it would go nowhere, unlike Haruhi who complained. So I let then carry me off to who knows where after Tamaki-sempai rolled in front of us in a limo and told them to take us with them.

At 4:02 we were dragged against our will to the women's changing room at the designated spot. And placed in front of two twins maids who seemed to be awaiting our arrival.

"Here, do what you have to do."  the male twins ordered.

"Ok, we'll do what we can." one replied.

"Uh huh, Ms. Fujioka, Mr. Akatsuki just follow me." the other said. I grew suspicious, heck, I was suspicious from the time they kidnapped us at the front of the school. I also found it peculiar how both twin maids smiled nonstop and tilted their head to the side as they spoke.

I guess...there's no way out.

Without another word we were forced into the dressing room and they immediately tore our clothes off.

Hikaru's P.O.V.

"What are you doing? Hey, stop that!" Haruhi sure puts up a fight, verbally speaking. But Angela didn't even say a word. Is she okay? Is she sick? No, she looked perfectly fine during classes.

"We've been asked to help you two choose swimsuits."

"We brought all of our mother's designs for you to choose from." Kaoru told them.

"Just pick whichever you want." I shrugged. No doubt the maids are going to choose bikinis for them, I can't wait to see Angela in one! I wonder what she'll look like. Probably like a doll.

"Are you ready, Ms. Fujioka, Ms. Akatsuki?"

"No, not really." came Angela's voice.

"Thanks, but I don't need a swimsuit."

"Then why don't you let me select one for you?"

"No not that want, I don't want a bikini." Boss looks pretty interested in this also. Well...maybe interested isn't the word. He doesn't look happy.

"But you would look so good in this one."

"I have no interest in wearing one. They show too much skin, so I hate it."

"But, this fits you perfectly."

"I'm not wearing it!"

"No, wait. I bet this one would be cute."

"Ugh, but that's nothing more than a couple of strings." That was the final blow, boss exploded like he has just been shot in the head.

*Back To Angela*

Deciding on a swimsuit to chose is so bothersome. So I picked one just to shut these maids up. 

Haruhi also wore a one piece bathing suit, it was pink and came with a matching swimming cap. I think it's just right for her. Once the door opened the light shone in my face, I cant believe it's this sunny.  I shaded my eyes and saw Tamaki-sempai outside, still in his uniform. He walked up to us and blushed when he saw Haruhi in her suit. Then he held out a large yellow sweater.

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