Those Servants, Adapting

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"I like someone here when I sleep. Wolf said he'd rather not stay in a lady's roon so he usually stands out the door." Lord Sullivan explains as I tug on her nightgown. Looking after lord Sullivan isn't bad, neither is it annoying. She likes to talk and expects a response from me. Even as I lay back the blankets and settle her in bed she rambles. "But even though, I don't feel comfortable. You're not one to talk, eh?" I looked at her to see her green orbs staring up at me. I shook my head. No, I'm not one to talk much.

"Ok then Angela. But I expect you to talk more later, when I wake up." She trails off, drifting to sleep and I sorely think that lord Sullivan wishes to have a conversation with me.

"Well, I'm looking foward to it." I murmur to her sleeping form and wait for the night to disappear.

The next morning Sebastian walks in, a tray in hand. Wolf is on his flank, he looks more than upset that Sebastian and I have taken his place.

"Today's tea is Ronnefeldt's Ceylon Blend."

"Hmm I've never heard of it." She sniffs it precariously then takes a sip.

"Is it to your liking?" I ask. She nods. "I've never woken up to wake up tea!"

Sebastian smiles, "It is a butler's duty to see to it that the master has a refreshing start to the day."

"Ah. You should take note, Wolfram."

"Ja." He grumbled.

The blond haired woman from earlier, Hilde, walks up to the bed.

"Lord Sullivan, it's time to change your clothes..."

"I want to wear clothes from the outside world!" She exclaimed.

Hilde and Wolf both exclaimed in shock and partial anger. Sebastian assured that we had no other clothes besides young lord's, which only assauged the two servant's fears temporarily. "That's fine, let me wear them!"

"Master Sullivan!" Hilde exclaimed. "Boy's clothing..."

"My lady, would you let me take this bed cover?"

"I don't mind but what for?"

"Just a moment." Sebastian slipped out of the room to return moments later with a dark red dress. Lord Sullivan gasped in awe.

"Hilde, I'll have Angela dress me today." She said, the smile from the dress spreading across her face. Hilde jumped and looked at me, walking away. Although I could feel her eyes glaring into my back before closing the door.

"Sebastian, how did you make this in such a short time? It's so easy to move in!" Lord Sullivan exclaimed.

"It's a trade secret." The butler chuckled before swooping her up into a bridal carriage. "Well then young lady, let's have breakfast."

We had passed master's room when we traveled to the dining hall. It only had been one day since young master and Sebastian had been affected by the forrest's miasma. Only recently Sebastian's scars have healed but humans have a much longer healing process. I've not seen young lord since that night but the maisma's effect have taken a deep toll on him. At the same time Finny is taking care of him.

Before I realized, dinner was finished. And lord Sullivan looked like she enjoyed the well prepared meal. Soon we were back in her room and upon request Sebastian was prompted to teach lord Sullivan our language.

"I dont have any useful texts beside this..." Sebastian held a thick textbook pertaining to the Englishmen's common remedies. "It might be a bit too difficult to start with though..."

"Huh? Sebastian what is this?"

"That's Opium Tincture." She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. "O pee...."

"Its mostly used as a couch medicine and pain reliever." He explained.

"Alright, what's this?"

"It's a remedy for throat pain, wrapping bacon cooked in oil around your neck. Bacon is said to have medicinal value." I explained. I vaugely remember my mother doing this for me since the age of 5.  And preferably I like this over the medicine I see in Japan.

"What? I've never heard of this! Wolf, get some bacon! I have to try this."

With Wolf out of the room we kept this up until night fall. Sebastian ended it, saying how learning can resume tomorrow. So he left and lord Sullivan looked toward her bed.

"I guess I'd better sleep, Angela." I nodded and carried her to bed where she sat. After I dressed and lay her down she bolts up.

"You didn't talk much today either." She narrowed her eyes at me. I found it slightly comical how she had just noticed. "Well you'll compensate. Tell me more about the outside world!" Her eyes lightened and sparkled. I chuckled, "Ok."

So I compensated. I spent that night telling lord Sullivan about remedies.

Hey! Did you guys notice? Double update~
I hadnt had a chance to update ANY stories on either of the latest holidays so I'm makong it up. I hope ypu enjoyed and continue voting and commenting. I will update soon.

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