His Earl's Birthday

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Angela's P.O.V.
December 13th

 Once everyone was seated at the table the plates were served. The breakfast was exactly the meal I prepared for Haruhi. The rest was uncomfortable silence when me and Sebastian took our places next to young lord. "I believe we should continue our conversation from last evening." he spoke out of the silence. Usually Kyoya-sempai would reply but this time it was Tamaki-sempai.

"Well, ... we actually came to...see Angela?"
Oh yes, great reason Tamaki-sempai. that obviously wouldn't and didn't convince master.

"But you see her everyday do you not?" he asked, looking at me to make sure I have been attending classes. I confirmed that.

"So, to put it in the simplest of terms you followed her?" Mumbles at the table agreed.

"Your reason.." urging Tamaki-sempai to go on.

"Uh..well..we.." he fumbled against his words.

"And why, exactly?"

"Well because she requested that our new cosplay were 19th century English clothing!"

"Cosplay?" Sebastian and lord asked. Yes they were obviously confused.

"It is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea." I explained. If you asked me that a few weeks ago I would certainly not understand. But being associated with the host club enhances ones vocabulary, in some way.

"And you actually cooperate with this rubbish? What are you to them?" speaking directly to me, leaning his head on his palm.
"I already explained, they are but my aqquaintinces and me them."

"No your not Ang-chan your part of our family!" Honey-senpai yelled from across the table.


"Family?" the young Earl questioned. "Yes she's my daughter!" the blond exclaimed, like he was proud of it.

"And she's my best friend." Haruhi added. "Yeah, and our new toy." the twins unified. "She does keep the club in check." Kyoya-senpai said, while sipping his tea. This all really made me want to cry. I wouldn't even think of me as that to them, just part of their little club. Thank you everyone.
After Breakfast: Tamaki's P.O.V.

After we all finished eating Ceil had to go to his study with the butler, Sebastian. So he ordered Angela to take us all around London. "So from what I see Angela's just a maid?" I questioned to Haruhi.

"Yeah, basically."

"Hm? No wonder she works well at the host club."
We all walked outside in the front where a carriage was waiting for us. I saw there wasn't a driver like the others. Kaoru must've noticed too because he asked, "Um who's driving?"
"I am." she answered. Which must've shocked us all.

"Can you even drive one of these things?"
She turned to us and smiled. I've never seen such a smile when she was at the host club.

"Well what kind of maid would I be if I couldn't drive a simple carriage?" then she opened the door for us and we all piled in. She closed it and hopped up front then we started moving. This carriage ride wasn't like the one we took when we first got here. It was much...smoother.
Third Person P.O.V.
 The back of the carriage was completely silent, save the clatter from the wheels on the cobblestones and the click of the horses' hooves.

"So,when are we leaving?" Haruhi asked.

"You mean without Angela? There's no way were leaving without her!" Hikaru exclaimed.

A Demon In Ouran? *Hikaru Hitachiin*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें